Student count for Class Registration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis
  • Start date Start date



The goal / Issue:

I want to be able to register the student right after the user enters the
student name and address. Currently, the user does this by simply clicking
on the Registration tab and registering the student.

While I know the maximum number of students allows in the class, I don’t
know how to check the current count to determine if the class is open or
closed based on the student count.

Normally, I would cheat and have a field which is a count of the current
number of registered students. But I was hoping that is a better way to do
this in Access.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Since this is both a database question and a data entry form question, I am
going to try to post it in both forums. I don’t know if I know how to do it
correctly, but I’ll give it a shot.

Back ground:

I’m working on a class registration module for the local library. They offer
some small arts and craft and other such classes. Class sizes range from 5
to 15 people. The average person takes between one and three classes. The
most classes any one person has ever taken is 7 (based on three years worth
of history).

At the present time I have a student form where the users enter the
student’s name and address. On a separate page (tab) within the student name
& address form I have a “continuous form†subform that allows displays all of
the classes that the student has taken and allows them to register the
student for a new class.

Database structure:

Key – StudentNo – Automatically assigned system number

Key – ClassName – Abbreviation for the class
Fld – Long Description
- Short Desc

key – Class Number – Automatically assigned system number
ClassName – Fk to the tblClassName tbl
ClassLoc FK to tblLocation – room number

key – RegistrationNo – Automatically assigned number.
Fld – StudentNo FK to tblStudent
ClassNo FK to tblClass

I tried to provide enough detail for the question without going overboard.
If I did not provide enough detail, please let me know and I will be happy to
provide more.


I think I figured it out. I created a query call tblClass_Count that gives
me the current number of students in each class.

SELECT qrytblClassD.ClassNo, qrytblClassD.ClassDesc,
Count(qrytblClassReg.CustAcctNo) AS CountOfCustAcctNo
FROM qrytblClassD LEFT JOIN qrytblClassReg ON qrytblClassD.ClassNo =
GROUP BY qrytblClassD.ClassNo, qrytblClassD.ClassDesc
ORDER BY qrytblClassD.ClassNo, Count(qrytblClassReg.CustAcctNo);

On the continuous form sub-form, I have a combo box where I select the class
that the student wants to take. The current row source for it simply selects
the tblClass table. I will change that combo box row source to the above
query and use the ".Column()" value to retrieve the current student count.

I also realize that I will have to refresh this combo box after I add a

At this time I only have one, maybe two people registering student and it
only happens a couple of times a day. So the timing issues of overbooking is
not an issue.

However, let's say it was an issues. Let's say that two different people
wanted to book someone different into the last seat in the class. Given the
above structure, how would you prevent that from happening?


On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 19:28:01 -0800, Dennis

You could use your new Count query before you save the data. Perhaps
in your Form_BeforeUpdate you could write:
if DLookup("CountOfCustAcctNo", "tblClass_Count", "ClassNo=" &
Me.ClassNo) > MAX_VALUE then
Msgbox "Yo, no more!"
Cancel = True 'This stops the record from being saved
end if

Btw, from a naming convention standpoint it's a bad idea to name a
query "tbl...".

Microsoft Access MVP

Thanks for the info. I will play with it.

Opps, I mistyped my query name. Query name should have been
qrytblClass_Count. My naming convension for better or worse is

qry for a true query that answer a question.
qrytbl ... for a "logical view" of a table or series of joined tables
qryupd for an update query
qryapp for an append query


Do you have a better suggestion for a name convension?


Pardon my intrusion ...

You could search on-line for "MS Access" and "naming convention" to get
additional ideas.

I figure that the only Access object that starts with a "q" is a query, so I
use "qlkp", "qapp", etc.... (JOPO - just one person's opinion)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer
On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 21:16:01 -0800, Dennis

My take on this is in my company's programming standards. Essentially
it says:
Even if you don't follow any of the many guidelines in this document,

I think consistency is much more important as what the actual prefix
(if any) might be.

Microsoft Access MVP

Your comment: You could search on-line for "MS Access" and "naming
convention" to get additional ideas.

My Response: Opps, brain damage on my part. I should have known that, but
thank for the reminder. I will do that. Thanks for the reminder.

Your comment: I figure that the only Access object that starts with a "q"
is a query, so I use "qlkp", "qapp", etc.... (JOPO - just one person's

Reponse: Ah, simpler and it answers the question.



Your comment: My take on this is in my company's programming standards.
Essentially it says: Even if you don't follow any of the many guidelines in
this document, BE CONSISTENT.

I think consistency is much more important as what the actual prefix (if
any) might be.

My response: Your are preaching to the choir. I *strongly* agree. In one
of my past jobs, I had to convert a small system written by one person. It
consisted of 40 programs. Each of the programs was very different from the
previous so each program was a new adventure in discovery. If they had been
consistent, it would have taken about 1/2 the time.


On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 20:53:01 -0800, Dennis

Yes, I have had similar experiences. Almost comical. One time a UI guy
would every day decide what type and color of buttons he would use
today. The resulting Christmas Tree was a firing offense imho.

With source code I always look for consistency. As the poor
maintenance programmer coming after our consistency-challenged
developer you initially have to assume that all these subtle
variations of a theme have a deeper meaning you have not yet
discovered, but which will break the code if you change them. Only
MUCH later you conclude the person was indeed challenged in this area
and his employer did not get value for the money.

Microsoft Access MVP