Stuck at "Installing Devices" part of GUI Mode



I keep getting locked up in setup during the "Installing devices" part of the
set up. New MB, New memory, still the same thing. Anyone have any ideas?


CintiKid said:
I keep getting locked up in setup during the "Installing devices" part of the
set up. New MB, New memory, still the same thing. Anyone have any ideas?

Things to check:

1. Have you tried cleaning the Windows XP CD? Make sure it's clean on
BOTH sides.

2. Is all the hardware connected and configured correctly?

a. Is the power supply powerful enough for the load requirements and
is the power plug seated correctly in the motherboard?

b. Are the ribbon cables seated?

c. Is the CPU, CPU heat sink and CPU fan installed correctly

d. Is the memory the correct rating?

e. Is the BIOS configured correctly?

f. Are all the power leads on the case correctly hooked up to the

3. Is all the hardware compatible with Windows XP?

If Yes, continue on.

If No, but the incompatible hardware is non-essential, remove the
incompatible hardware (cards) and continue on.

If No and the incompatible hardware is essential (motherboard,
memory, video, etc.), STOP and build a box with basic components that
ARE compatible with Windows XP.

4. Remove all non-essential cards (soundcard, NIC, and unplug all
non-essential devices from the motherboard--especially USB devices
and other Plug N Play devices.

5. Try booting and running Windows Install again. If the PC still
refuses to work, the problem is:

a. Hardware or associated jumpers and wires installed incorrectly.

b. Faulty hardware.

c. Faulty Windows XP cd.

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