strongly typed collection -- sort in a DataGrid



Assume you have a strongly typed collection of a class called Person. The
strongly typed collection implements IEnumerable so it can be databound to a
server control like a DataGrid. The Person class has several public
properties like FirstName, LastName, and Gender.

What steps would it take to allow the collection to be sorted in multiple
ways when bound to a DataGrid? In the past, I used the sort property of a
DataView containing a datatable.

Thanks in advance.


Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)

Hi Mark,

I have another solution, with this you can sort any collection without need
to change anything in the class being sorted. I only use reflection.

A very good thing about it is that you can sort using a property of a
property , if your Person class has a property of type Address you could
sort it by Person.Property.Zip for example.

Here I send you the code. and a brief way of using it.

Hope this help,

Ignacio Machin,
ignacio.machin AT
Florida Department Of Transportation

This is how easy it's to use: ( it's a method of the strong t yped
collection )

public CostCenterCollection Sort( string sortParam, TSRCore.SortDirection
ArrayList newlist = (ArrayList)InnerList.Clone();
ClassSorter sorter = new ClassSorter( sortParam, SortByType.Property,
newlist.Sort( sorter);
return new CostCenterCollection( newlist); //This is the strong typed
collection class , I return a new sorted instance

As you can see it's extremely easy to use.

This class implement the IComparer interface, it use reflection to get the
value, it recieve the name of the property to evaluate in a parameter in the

public class ClassSorter: IComparer
protected string sortBy;
protected SortByType sortByType;
protected SortDirection sortDirection;

#region Constructors
public ClassSorter(string sortBy, SortByType sortByType, SortDirection
this.sortBy = sortBy;
this.sortByType = sortByType;
this.sortDirection = sortDirection;

int Compare( object x, object y, string comparer)
if ( (x== null ) && (y==null) )
return 0;
if ( x == null )
return -1;
if ( y == null )
return 1;
if ( comparer.IndexOf( ".") != -1 )
//split the string
string[] parts = comparer.Split( new char[]{ '.'} );
return Compare( x.GetType().GetProperty( parts[0]).GetValue(x, null) ,
y.GetType().GetProperty( parts[0]).GetValue(y, null) , parts[1]
IComparable icx, icy;
icx =
(IComparable)x.GetType().GetProperty( comparer).GetValue(x, null);
icy =
(IComparable)y.GetType().GetProperty( comparer).GetValue(y, null);

if ( x.GetType().GetProperty(comparer).PropertyType ==
typeof(System.String) )
icx = (IComparable) icx.ToString().ToUpper();
icy = (IComparable) icy.ToString().ToUpper();

if(this.sortDirection == SortDirection.Descending)
return icy.CompareTo(icx);
return icx.CompareTo(icy);


public int Compare(object x, object y)
return Compare( x, y, sortBy);


public enum SortByType
Method = 0,
Property = 1

public enum SortDirection
Ascending = 0,
Descending = 1

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