Stripping out unwanted date in cell


Jim Kiddoo

I am trying to import a Global address list, but my problem is I need just
the smtp address in the cell so i want to strip out all the other junk, here
is a couple of examples of what the field could appear like. I need to strip
out everything accept for the SMTP:[email protected]. It
could be any extension and it is not always a percent at the beginning or
SMTP:[email protected]%MS:UOF9/UNIVERSITY/bcairn%X400:c=US;a=;p=Uof9;o=Univ
ersity?Hall;s=Cairn;g=bubba;%CCMAIL:Cairn, bubba at University_Hall

CCMAIL:ssdsexam at
00:c=US;a= ;p=Uof9;o=STUDENT-SERV;s=ssdsexam;

Any help is much appreciated.


Jim Kiddoo

J.E. McGimpsey

One way (array-entered: CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER or CMD-RETURN):


Add any other delimiters to both constant arrays, {...}'s, in the
same order.

Jim Kiddoo

Thanks very much, works perfectly unless the smtp address is tha last in the
string, with nothing after it. Any suggestions?
Thanks again
Jim Kiddoo

J.E. McGimpsey

This has gotten convoluted enough to make me think there's a better
way, but this will work (again, array-entered):

=MID(A1,FIND("SMTP",A1), MIN(IF(ISERR(FIND({"%",":",";","$"}, A1,
FIND("SMTP",A1)+5)), "", FIND({"%",":",";","$"} , A1,
FIND("SMTP",A1)+5))) + ((LEN(A1)+1) * ISERR(FIND({"%",":",";","$"},
A1, FIND("SMTP",A1)+5))) - FIND("SMTP", A1))

Dave Peterson

But we all admire your tenacity.

J.E. McGimpsey said:
This has gotten convoluted enough to make me think there's a better
way, but this will work (again, array-entered):

=MID(A1,FIND("SMTP",A1), MIN(IF(ISERR(FIND({"%",":",";","$"}, A1,
FIND("SMTP",A1)+5)), "", FIND({"%",":",";","$"} , A1,
FIND("SMTP",A1)+5))) + ((LEN(A1)+1) * ISERR(FIND({"%",":",";","$"},
A1, FIND("SMTP",A1)+5))) - FIND("SMTP", A1))

Jim Kiddoo

That worked perfectly! Thank you very much, you have made my life much
easier. Thanks Again!
Jim Kiddoo

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