String Manipulation - Escape Sequence


Guadala Harry

I need to place the following into a string... How can I properly escape the
% " / < and > characters?

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4px"


Scott Allen

Hi GMan:

The backslash will escape the " character. %, /, <, and > do not need
an escape sequence.

You can also use the @ symbol to start a verbatim string literal.


Console.WriteLine("This \"is\" a %<>test\\");
Console.WriteLine(@"This ""is"" a %<>test\");

both print out This "is" a %<>test\

For your string I'd just escape all the " characters with \.


Matias Woloski

The only thing needed to escape here are the doublequote and you escape it
using the backslash. For instance

string html = "<table width=\"100%\" border .... >"

Matias Woloski

Guadala Harry

Thanks - I got into trouble when I used both the @ symbol and the \ escape
character... I received the IDE/tooltop message "; expected" That's why I
thought I needed to escape more than just the " character - but could find
no references including the other characters in the "need to escape these"

oh the joys of being a C# beginner...

: )



Guadala said:
Thanks - I got into trouble when I used both the @ symbol and the \ escape

That's because in a 'verbatim string literal' (one preceded by the @
character), escaping is done differently and can only be done for the
double-quote character:

string s1 = @" "" "; // this is a lone double-quote char
// surrounded by some spaces

string s2 = " \" "; // the same string using standard
// character escaping

string s3 = @" \" "; // invalid syntax - you have a verbatim
// string that is some spaces with a
// backslash at the end. This is
// followed by a spurious double-
// quote char right before the semi-colon.

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