string expression help



I have a field that contains a "Project Name" and a "Project Number" in this

Project Name - A07-0001 (9 "end" characters)
Project Name - A07-0001-01 (11 "end" characters)

What I need is to be able to extract only the "project number" portion from
this field. The problem is that sometimes there are 9 OR 11 "end" characters.

If I use "Right ("[Project]", 9)", it works for the 9 character fields but
would only return "7-0001-01" for the 11 character fields.

And if I use "Right ("[Project]", 11)", it works for the 11 charachter
fields but returns " - A07-0001" for the 9 character fields.

This "Project" field will consistently follow the pattern of "Project Name -
Project Number". Is there an expression that could just return all
characters after the first "-"?


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