


I just got a 14 inch widescreen notebook and, rarely, the pages, images,
words, et cetera are stretched out by a few pixels. This is how it is right
now. It usually doesn't do that, so what's going on? I have the correct
resolution set and haven't touched the settings.


Ashton Crusher

I just got a 14 inch widescreen notebook and, rarely, the pages, images,
words, et cetera are stretched out by a few pixels. This is how it is right
now. It usually doesn't do that, so what's going on? I have the correct
resolution set and haven't touched the settings.


I'm not sure I understand what you are saying but to me it sounds like
you are running the screen at something other then it's native
resolution. At anything other then the native resolution there will
be spots on the screen where the pixels in the picture don't quite
line up with the pixels in the screen making it look like whatever
little spot you are looking at is off by a pixel or two.

Mike O

1024x768 is not a widescreen proportion, that's about 5:4 (standard screen
proportions). For a 14" display, widescreen would be closer to 16:9,
probably something 1280x768. The manufacturer's information should have the
"native" resolution.

Mike O.

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