strange Server.Transfer behavior



I have a simple pair of ASP.NET pages, main.aspx and login.aspx. Main
checks if there is an identity in the Session context, and if not does
a Server.Transfer to login.aspx. So far, so good. Login does exactly
that, and on success does a Server.Transfer back to main.aspx. This has
been working fine with both IE and Firefox. Within that past couple of
weeks, all of a sudden running through this logic with IE results in:

Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site

Operation aborted

If I use Firefox, everything still works just fine. I set a breakpoint
in my C# Page_Load function and, interestingly, it gets called,
executes, and returns normally for the IE case.

I presume this means that something in the page sent to IE is causeing
IE to wack out?

Anyone have suggestions on how I find the offending content?

I am running IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.050803-2158, and Windows XP
SP2. By the way, I have a colleague testing this software and he
experiences the same problem, so its in all likelihood not unique to
the specific software versions on my machine.



Added the try/catch and found I am indeed getting the
ThreadAbortException. But, even with this code in place I am still
getting the same error.

I had already tried Server.Execute, though I retried it again just now
with the exception handling in place. I still get the same error.

Any more ideas?

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