Strange Option Button behaviour

  • Thread starter christopher.lepingwell
  • Start date


Hi all,

I have just noticed some odd behaviour while programming a userform in
Excel 2003 (SP2):

I have some option buttons that I set during the initialise event of
the form. I tried setting the values to 'vbTrue' and I get the
grayed-out version of the button (i.e. value = Null). If I set the
value to 'True', the button is correctly selected.

This puzzles me as I was under the impression that 'vbTrue' and 'True'
are equivalent. If I compare them in the immediate pane, they are
equivalent, and the the help for the OptionButton says that -1 (the
value of vbTrue) is an aceptable value to flag the button as true.

Had anyone else seen this behaviour, or should I start worrting about
the stablility of the system! The systems guys here do use my machine
as a test box for new patches to the system, so I'm wondering if the
latest roll-out has broken something.




You can see they are not the same from that same immediate window:

? typename(vbtrue)
? typename(true)

If you convert True to a long, it will equal -1. but apparently the
properties want True or False. (an option button can be true, false, or Null
- it appears to interpret vbtrue as a request to be Null).

Don't think you need to worry about your machine.

Tom Ogilvy

No need for concern. If you assign the value as vbtrue, then move from that
property, I believe you will see it gets cleared because that is not a valid
setting when set manually.

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