Strange issue in aspx pages




I was writing some aspx pages when i experimented a strange issue.
I have a div tag like this:
<div id="divCourses1" style="<%=GetDisplayStyle(eidlevel,
Now, as long as i don't switch the page to HTML into Design everything
works fine.
But if i switch the page into Design and therefore into HTML again,
then all the attribute style and its content disappear.
I have tryed many times and the behavior is always the same.
Anyone knows anything about that issue? It's a known issue?
I would avoid to use html runat-sever objects, if possible.


Karl Seguin [MVP]

2003 does bad things when switching between HTML and Design view, it is a
known issue and the only way to fix it is to migrate your code to 2005 :(

The solution I would recomment is to your a runat=server object, but i see
you have reservations against that.



Karl said:
2003 does bad things when switching between HTML and Design view, it is a
known issue and the only way to fix it is to migrate your code to 2005 :(

The solution I would recomment is to your a runat=server object, but i see
you have reservations against that.


After trying for several minutes i realized you're right. :)
I see no other way than using server-side objects to avoid that bug.


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