Strange File Problem



I just installed XP on the new HD I got because my old one died and I'm
getting this strange problem I never had before. Here's an example, in the
past if I had WMP open or any other program (and it wasn't maximized it was
only covering up a little part of my desktop) and saved a file to my desktop,
it would appear there right away. Now if I saved something there, it won't
appear unless I either drag a window on the edge of the first "empty" spot on
my desktop or if I clicked my desktop and pressed F5. It's basically the same
problem if I opened My Computer and was in a folder and kept it open (not
minimized). If I saved a file there, it won't appear unless I either minimize
the window to the bottom of my screen and then bring it back or if I clicked
the window and pressed F5. F5 is refresh for anyone who is unaware. Is this
the same for anyone else? Does anyone know how to change it so it appears
there immediately after I save it? Thanks!


I don't know if this will help...

but if you right click on your desktop and go to Arrange Icons by | is Auto
Arrange ticked ? If so, un tick it and see what happens.

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