Strange Excel Behavior


Ryan McLean

Hello everyone, I have a strange occurrence that I am hoping you all
can help me with. I am converting an html document to excel. It
usually works very well, however, this time where spaces are in the
html document, excel is displaying this character:


Here is the html:

<td> </td>

It looks as if nothing is in the cell . . . very strange :)

If anyone has any insight, I would really appreciate it.

Have a great day!

p.s. this happens whether I do the Open With . . . Excel or Import
External Data.

Thanks in advance.

Gord Dibben


HTML has a habit of leaving junk in cells. Non-breaking spaces for one.

To clean up the junk you can use TRIM and CLEAN and Edit>Replace if you know
which character it is.

Download Chip Pearson's CELLVIEW add-in from

Load through Tools>Add-ins.

Select the data and Chip's add-in will show you what the characters are.

If carriage returns you may be able to Replace them using ALT + 0010 or 0013

Most likely David McRitchie's TRIMALL macro will be of greatest assistance.
Cleans up what TRIM and CLEAN miss.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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