strange compile when using inheritance




My question is about calling this method CollectData below but I get a
compile error that I shouldn't have because the type parameter is correct.
The compile error is the following:
ionForm.cs(942): Argument '1': cannot convert from 'ref
MeltPracData.MeltPracDataComposition' to 'ref

public bool CollectData(ref IDialogPostData post)

This IDialogPostData is an interface of type
We have an abstract class called MeltPracData which has the following
public abstract class MeltPracData : IDialogPostData
As you can see this MeltPracData implements IDialogPostData

I have another class called MeltPracDataComposition which has the following
public class MeltPracDataComposition : MeltPracData
As you can see this MeltPracDataComposition is an MeltPracData according to
general inheritance rules.

In my program I have these two statement
MeltPracDataComposition mpd = new MeltPracDataComposition();
CollectData(ref mpd);
which cause compile error.
In my opinion these two statements shouldn't cause any compile error.

Some comment why these two statements shouldn't cause any compile error.
First of all I instansiate an MeltPracDataComposition which is an
and a MeltPracData implement IDialogPostData.
This mean that I can send an actual parameter of type
and receive it as an formal parameter of type IDialogPostData.

Another strange thing is if a remove the ref in the CollectData and
call it in this way CollectData(mpd);
I don't get any compile error.

I know what ref means but I can't figure out why I get a compile error when
having this ref in the method definition for collectData.


Marc Gravell

Since the "post" param to "CollectData" is ref, so "CollectData" can
update it. And "CollectData" is free to assign anything that is an
IDialogPostData. Such as "MyOtherClass : IDialogPostData". This means
that the compiler cannot verify the integrity of your "mpd" variable.

In most cases, "ref" is used incorrectly for parameters; do you
*really* need to re-assign the variable within the method? Or is this
intended to support reference-semantics for structs that support this

Anyway, you can probably fix it (keeping the ref) by:
IDialogPostData iparam = mpd;
mpd = (MeltPracDataComposition) iparam;

The easier fix is to remove the "ref".




I don't understand you.
I mean because MeltPracDataComposition is an IDialogPostData it should work.

Can you explain in another way perhaps.


Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Why are you using ref in the first place?

The compiler is correct , the reason is a little difficult to explain

Let's say that you have
interface I{}
class A:I{}
class B:I{}

both A & B implement I but they have no relationship between them.

You can have:
method ( I i ){

i = new B();
i = new A();

it does not matter if I originally had an instance of A or B

but when you have:
method ( ref I i ){

i = new B();

and you call it like
method( new A() );

you would end up with i that contained originally a reference to A being
assigned to a reference to B

This is clearly an error and that's why the compiler complains

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

tony said:
I don't understand you.
I mean because MeltPracDataComposition is an IDialogPostData it should work.

No, it shouldn't. "ref" parameters need to be *exactly* the right type.

Consider the following code:

public void MakeAnObject (ref object foo)
foo = new object();

string x = "hello";
MakeAnObject (ref x);

This is illegal, because it ends up with the variable x being a
reference to an object, not a string.


A function member is said to be an applicable function member with
respect to an argument list A when all of the following are true:

* 2 The number of arguments in A is identical to the number of
parameters in the function member declaration.
* 3 For each argument in A, the parameter passing mode of the
argument (i.e., value, ref, or out) is identical to the parameter
passing mode of the corresponding parameter, and
o 4 for a value parameter or a parameter array, an implicit
conversion (§13.1) exists from the type of the argument to the type of
the corresponding parameter, or
o 5 for a ref or out parameter, the type of the argument is
identical to the type of the corresponding parameter.

The last sentence is the important bit.


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