Stored Proc with parameters


Rob Meade

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could give me a small example of running a stored
procedure with both output and input parameters via (vb).

I have tried a couple of things, one of which worked, but now I'm trying to
change my code so that its the 'proper' way of doing things..

My stored proc expects the following:

@ErrorCode int OUTPUT,
@CDSPatientID int OUTPUT,
@OrgID int,
@NHSNumber varchar(7),
@SQLRIID varchar(7),
@HospitalNumber varchar(17),
@HospitalType varchar(3)

and is called writePatientUBHT

The code I initially had was as follows:

' exec stored procedure to add patient details
strSQL += "@ErrorCode int, @CDSPatientID int "
strSQL += "EXEC writePatientUBHT "
strSQL += "@ErrorCode OUTPUT, @CDSPatientID OUTPUT, "
strSQL += "'" & Session("OrgID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("NHS Number").m_queryStringData
& "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("SQLRI ID").m_queryStringData &
"', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("Hospital
Number").m_queryStringData & "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("Hospital").m_queryStringData &
"' "
strSQL += "SELECT @ErrorCode AS ErrorCode, @CDSPatientID AS CDSPatientID"

I then have a datareader which reads and set two variables to equal the
values returned from @ErrorCode and @CDSPatientID

I have done a few sql statements where I now add parameters as the values
going in - but trying the same method for getting them out seems a bit more
complex...I was heading down this road when I ran into problems..

' declare variables
Dim objConnection As SqlConnection
Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intCDSPatientID As Integer
Dim intErrorCode As Integer

' Create and open our database connection
objConnection = New

objCommand = New SqlCommand
objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
objCommand.Connection = objConnection

strSQL += "EXEC writePatientUBHT "
strSQL += "'" & Session("OrgID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("NHS Number").m_queryStringData
& "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("SQLRI ID").m_queryStringData &
"', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("Hospital
Number").m_queryStringData & "', "
strSQL += "'" & m_params.GetParameterByName("Hospital").m_queryStringData &
"' "

' testing the parameters stuff
Dim sqlParameter As SqlParameter
Dim sqlParameter2 As SqlParameter

sqlParameter = New SqlParameter
sqlParameter2 = New SqlParameter

sqlParameter = objCommand.Parameters.Add("@ErrorCode", SqlDbType.Int)
sqlParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

sqlParameter2 = objCommand.Parameters.Add("@CDSPatientID", SqlDbType.Int)
sqlParameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

' set our command object
objCommand.CommandText = strSQL

' execute
objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader()

' Close reader

' try to extract parameters
intCDSPatientID = objCommand.Parameters("@CDSPatientID").Value()
intErrorCode = objCommand.Parameters("@ErrorCode").Value()

' then all the tidy up code...

I had assumed (in the example above) that I would now not need to specify
the 'OUTPUT' parameters immediately after the 'EXEC writePatientUBHT', so I
removed those, however, when I ran the code I got an error saying it could
find the stored procedure named 'EXEC writePatientUBHT 'value', 'value',
'value', 'value' - I put this down to the fact that I was now specifying
the commandType as a stored procedure and that somewhere I probably now need
to say = "writePatientUBHT" or something...which would
suggest that I then need to add all my other values as parameters as well
and specify their directions?

Could anyone please advise me on this, and if possible perhaps a small
example using my code (where appropriate) from the above...

Thanks in advance for any help



Laiju Skaria

Hello Rob...
I dont know whether this will suite u or not.. But there is something knows
as Microsoft. Application Blocks for data which u can download from the
microsoft website. It contains a file called sqlhelper.cs (available in vb
also). It has a lot of static methods which return different objects which
will suite ur requirement. try using that. It reduces the codes that u've to


Rob Meade

The following seems to work nicely :blush:)

' declare variables
Dim objConnection As SqlConnection
Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
Dim objReader As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intCDSPatientID As Integer
Dim intErrorCode As Integer

' Create and open our database connection
objConnection = New
objCommand = New SqlCommand
objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
objCommand.Connection = objConnection

strSQL = "writePatientUBHT"

' add parameters
objCommand.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@ErrorCode", SqlDbType.Int,
objCommand.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@CDSPatientID", SqlDbType.Int,
objCommand.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@OrgID", SqlDbType.Int,
ParameterDirection.Input, Session("OrgID")))
objCommand.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@NHSNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar,
ParameterDirection.Input, m_params.GetParameterByName("NHS
objCommand.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@SQLRIID", SqlDbType.VarChar,
ParameterDirection.Input, m_params.GetParameterByName("SQLRI
SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input,
m_params.GetParameterByName("Hospital Number").m_queryStringData))
SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input,

' set our command object
objCommand.CommandText = strSQL

' execute
objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader

' get values from reader object
'While objReader.Read()
' intCDSPatientID = objReader("CDSPatientID")
' intErrorCode = objReader("ErrorCode")
'End While
' Close reader
' try to extract parameters
intCDSPatientID = objCommand.Parameters("@CDSPatientID").Value()
intErrorCode = objCommand.Parameters("@ErrorCode").Value()
Response.Write("CDSPatientID: " & intCDSPatientID)
Response.Write("ErrorCode: " & intErrorCode)

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