Stop Error Message




I configured a Windows 2000 laptop for imaging. I installed and updated all
the drivers, installed all critical updates and our own corporate software.
I ran the setup manager wizard as I've done a thousand times over and then
ran sysprep. I created and downloaded my image to our server and then when I
went to reboot the laptop and ran through the installing devices portion of
the mini-setup, I receive a stop error. It is as follows:

STOP 0X0000000C2 , blah, blah "bad_pool_Caller"

Because the blue screen flashes by so quickly (which makes it impossible to
read the entire error unless you repeat the same process as I have already
done and still can't make it out) I can't make out the entire error.

Do you have any suggestions and CAN YOU PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, (as James
Brown would say) tell me how to prevent the blue screen of death from
flashing by so quickly so I can read it or at least pause it? It would be
great help to myself and my co-worker! Thanks a bunch, love you mean it!



In Roxanne <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:

I configured a Windows 2000 laptop for imaging. I installed and
updated all the drivers, installed all critical updates and our own
corporate software. I ran the setup manager wizard as I've done a
thousand times over and then ran sysprep. I created and downloaded my
image to our server and then when I went to reboot the laptop and ran
through the installing devices portion of the mini-setup, I receive a
stop error. It is as follows:

STOP 0X0000000C2 , blah, blah "bad_pool_Caller"

Because the blue screen flashes by so quickly (which makes it
impossible to read the entire error unless you repeat the same
process as I have already done and still can't make it out) I can't
make out the entire error.

Do you have any suggestions and CAN YOU PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, (as
James Brown would say) tell me how to prevent the blue screen of
death from flashing by so quickly so I can read it or at least pause
it? It would be great help to myself and my co-worker! Thanks a
bunch, love you mean it!


Find the winkey... It's down on the right or left (or both) or in the upper
right on a laptop usually. It looks like the Windows logo. If you've pressed
it in the past it brought up the start menu. Now find the pause/break key.
It's there... You might have to press F-Lock or something but it works...
Now press and hold said WinKey and then press Pause/Break... Got a new menu?
If not open the control panel and in classic view click system. ;)

Now on the advanced tab of the System Properties tab... Under System
Startup... UNTICK the automatically restart option.



In Roxanne <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:


Hold on... This is a 2k group... Sorry about that...

It should be, instead, same formula just the startup/shutdown tab... I had
an XP group highlighted and my reply left open so I gave you XP directions
which are pretty much the same but the tab has a slightly different name.



Ok Galen that great for future reference, but I can't get to the gui to make
it stop so, how do I do it if I can't get to the gui? Recovery console maybe?


In Roxanne <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Ok Galen that great for future reference, but I can't get to the gui
to make it stop so, how do I do it if I can't get to the gui?
Recovery console maybe?

Can you get in via safe mode? Maybe, if you can, you'll be able to capture
the error information and post back the details and someone will be able to
help you. I'd try safe mode before using RC which, to be honest, is rather



Thanks, but I've already tried safe mode and because it's still trying to add
devices I can't get past that point and I get the blue screen. I know it's
not a hardware issue because I used the image I created and restored it
another laptop (same make)


In Roxanne <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Thanks, but I've already tried safe mode and because it's still
trying to add devices I can't get past that point and I get the blue
screen. I know it's not a hardware issue because I used the image I
created and restored it another laptop (same make)

I'm not sure what you could/would do from the RC to fix this. I'm not one
to automatically promote re-installing or repair installations as they're
often drastic steps that can be avoided. In this case you can't get into the
OS via safe mode. You seem to have a cloned copy. You could always try a
repair installation or re-cloning the machine at this point. Perhaps it IS a
hardware issue but the issue is only on that computer, in other words it's
broken hardware on the laptop? The search for 0X0000000C2 didn't reveal a
great deal actually and the cases were a bit sporadic from what I was able
to tell. It could be anything but I'd actually, after going through the
searches, consider a RAM check if you have a floppy drive for this laptop.
There's a number of free ones available and most of them do a decent enough

Beyond that I'm not sure what to tell you. I'd start with the RAM check, if
it turns out fine - let it run overnight - then I'd do a repair installation
and see what happens.


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