STOP error 0x00000067 in Win 2000


grant clark

0x00000067 (0x00000004, 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)


PC's that were working fine one day, generate this error
the next and I can't boot in safe mode because I get the
same error. If I re-clone the PC the problem goes away
but I'd much prefer to fix it properly. Microsoft dont
have anything on this specific error, god only knows why
we pay them so much money to use their bug ridden software.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Steve Parry [MVP]

grant clark said:
0x00000067 (0x00000004, 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)


PC's that were working fine one day, generate this error
the next and I can't boot in safe mode because I get the
same error. If I re-clone the PC the problem goes away
but I'd much prefer to fix it properly. Microsoft dont
have anything on this specific error, god only knows why
we pay them so much money to use their bug ridden software.

Any help greatly appreciated.

some info hope it helps ... its sounds like auto update may have
installed a new driver or something that your PC's do not like?

In my PC at home I have an nVidia Quadro Pro grahics card and the
update site shows an updated driver but I know some of my games
software does'nt like the updated one..

try starting in safe mode and seeing if event viewer identifies
any errant drivers

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