Stop CTRL-ALT-DEL screen During Slideshow

  • Thread starter Thread starter dougw246
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I am running a continuous slide show in the cafeteria lunchroom at work.
Our coprporate computers pop up the CRTL-ALT-DEL login screen after 30
minutes of inactivity. I cannot get our corporate systems group to change
the policy and the have me locked out of the settings.

Is there any way via VBA or other means to simulate keyboard or mouse
activity during a slideshow to make the computer think it is active and not
pop up the CRTL-ALT-DEL login screen?

Please help, this is very frustrating for the employees of the plant.
It would be worthwhile to buy the sys admin lunch in front of the
Ctl+Alt+Del display. Mention to him how helpful it would be for the average
computer user in the corporation to have some basic computer skills taught
here. You could let it drop that its a shame that the computer people in
your department can't figure out a way to keep the screen active. After
all, it isn't like anyone has access to the keyboard, or even the box.
Shame, shame, shame.

In exchange for some air-time on keeping worms out of the network or other
such sys-admin worries, he may be able to help you with the computer

If this doesn't work,then consider it practice for the Sys-admin's boss.

Of course this is a political solution and not a PowerPoint one, so my
expertise is somewhat questionable.

Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.
Is there any way via VBA or other means to simulate keyboard or mouse
activity during a slideshow to make the computer think it is active and not
pop up the CRTL-ALT-DEL login screen?

The SendKeys command in VB/VBA can send keystrokes to the current or other
applications. Whether it'd fool the 30-minute-lockout-demon or not, I don't

In any case, I'd have to agree with Bill, this is a policy problem, not a PPT