Stop 0x00000073 Error



I have an XPe build that is approx 140Mb running on a 512Mb Flash IDE Drive.

The stop parameters are (0x00000001, 0xC000017d,0x00000002, 0xFC6d3CC0).
This appears to be a STATUS_NO_LOG_SPACE error from the reference on this

My question much extra space do I need to keep available for this
log, and can I limit how much log space XPe attempts to use?

Thanks ~ Bob



With the number you showed (140M image on 512M drive) it sounds really weird that no log space available.
Did you check the drive after that error occurred? Did it really go out of the space?
What partition you set up on that drive?
Do you see the BSOD during FBA or sometime after?
Do you have pagefile enabled?
Is System Restore service enabled?

You may want turn on Low Disk Space notification if you are using Explorer Shell but again the Stop error is strange with your
target settings.


I can't check the drive boots to the Stop Error every time now.
I'll try to boot to a floppy and get some info as to disk use.

The drive came from the Flash Drive manufacturer preformatted as a single
partition 512Mb IDE drive. I never saw the BSODeath for several weeks of
running the system....then two identical systems started doing this.

How do I tell if I have pagefile enabled or System Restore Service Enabled?
I do have the windows Shell enabled so I'll see if I can turn on low
diskspace notification.

We have been running a Flash application repeatedly on this system, so
perhaps it's been leaving a trail of unreleased disk space. I'll check
this in the AM.




Any way for you to take out the Drive and plug it in another machine to investigate what's really going on there?
Then you will surely be able to see if System Restore and pagefile are enabled or not.


I connected an additional XP Pro Drive and booted off of that...and found
approx 340Mb I don't know why I'm getting this error.

How can I determine if system Restore and Pagefile are enabled by snooping
from the XP Pro drive?



I connected an additional XP Pro Drive and booted off of that...and found
approx 340Mb I don't know why I'm getting this error.

How can I determine if system Restore and Pagefile are enabled by snooping
from the XP Pro drive?

You will find system pagefile under the root of that drive if used.
For System Restore, you will find a hidden "System Volume Information" folder under the root too.

However, after you mentioned that you still have 340Mb free I don't think those are the cause.


There is no system Page File but there is a System Information File. There
is also a hidden file folder called "Found.000" in the root directory.

I even ran chkdsk and found no problems. I'm stumped!




I don't have a clue what happened on your drive.
I can only guess (from the BSOD code and description) that a bad block(s) appeared on the drive and the system failed to load some
hive(s). Since you found the Found.000 folder it might be true.

Btw, any .chk file under that Found.000 folder? Or was the folder empty?
If it had something, open that file with notepad or any binary editor and try to make a sense out of it - does it look like a system
hive or etc? Then you would know where the bad blocks appeared and what was damaged.

Matt Kellner \(MS\)

It's likely that the Found.000 folder is there because data was corrupted on
the flash drive in the STOP. The STOP occurs immediately, and sometimes any
pending writes to the drive are lost, leaving files open and the file system
in an error state (allocation blocks open but not linked, invalid links,
etc.) These issues would be discovered and corrected (resulting in the
Found.000 folder) on a subsequent boot when the system runs an automatic

This may not be the actual problem here - bad blocks are certainly possible.
Since this issue cropped up after a few weeks of operation, it really does
sound like the drive ran out of space... but I'd expect the system to have
had a different response in this case.

It's possible that some information was being stored to a branch of the
registry and the reg file overgrew an internal limit. Bob, does your
configuration include any software that makes regular writes to the registry
or uses any portion of the registry for logging information?

You can check the physical size of your registry hives offline by navigating
to c:\windows\system32\config . The System Event Log files may also be
stored there - they will each have a .evt extension.

How much memory does your target machine have?

Matt Kellner ([email protected])
STE, Windows Embedded Group

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