stop :0x00000024 error, running out of options, please help!


Avalanche Kittie

Hi, this morning I went to boot up my computer and it gets to the
Windows loading screen and auto reboots itself due to system failure,
over and over. I have made no alterations to the system the last time
I used it, so I'm not sure why this has happened.

I pressed F8 during startup, and it does the same whatever option I
choose - I cannot boot to safe mode or any other option. I'm using XP
Professional, with a genuine CD.

I have read other threads that say to boot from the XP CD - I have
tried this, and try to go to system recovery but it tells me I have no
hard drives connected and reboots... I have 2 hard drives on the
system, so I'm not sure why this is. Is this something to do with
having to have RAID drivers for my hard drives, which do not load when
you boot from the Windows CD?

I've also read that checkdisk could help the problem, but it seems you
can't boot to the command prompt in XP Pro - what can I do now? I've
exhausted every option that I have found. I'm currently typing this
from an ancient Apple laptop belonging to my mother, which doesn't
have a floppy drive on it so I'm not even sure I can get any kind of
floppy recovery disk sorted, even if that was possible.

I have a lot of irreplacable data on the boot drive of the computer,
including hours of recordings that my band has done over the past
month for our new album, and so to lose that is unthinkable... please,
if anyone has any suggestions I'd be very, very appreciative!


Gerry Cornell

Disable automatic restart on system failure. This should help by
allowing time to write down the STOP code properly. Keep pressing the
F8 key during StartUp and select option - Disable automatic restart on
system failure.

Do not re-enable automatic restart on system failure until you have
resolved the problem. Check for variants of the Stop Error message.

What is the make and model of your computer. Is it a desktop or a


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Avalanche Kittie

Hi Gerry, thanks for the reply - actually, I already disabled the auto
restart and wrote the message down, just forgot to put it in the post!
It's as follows:

NTFS.SYS - ADDRESS BAF3B746 base at BAF2A000, DATESTAMP 41102eea

Hope that sheds some light on it - oddly, once I had rebooted that
time, it went back to auto restarting... so I can't tell you if the
message was different in safe mode etc.

The system is based around an Antec case, the computer was built by my
father who is away for 3 months abroad currently so I can't seek his

Really looking forward to any reply, thanks a lot in advance!


Ron Martell

Avalanche Kittie said:
Hi, this morning I went to boot up my computer and it gets to the
Windows loading screen and auto reboots itself due to system failure,
over and over. I have made no alterations to the system the last time
I used it, so I'm not sure why this has happened.
Already answered in another newsgroup.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

Avalanche Kittie

Today I've spent many more hours trying to fix the problem - thanks to
all who have responded so far, but it still hasn't helped. Today I
figured out how to get the XP CD to recognise my hard drive - I had to
go to a friend's computer, download the SATA drivers, put them on a
floppy and get the CD to load them up. so that's sorted. However, when
I begin the Recovery process, it starts checking the hard drive...
then crashes to a very familiar blue screen:


So now it seems, whichever way I turn the computer crashes before I
get to any point where I can try to repair the corruption. Safe mode
cfrashes, recovery from the Windows CD crashes... what else can I do?
Is my only option now to start afresh with a new HDD and try to
salvage data from my current one?

Thanks again,


Did you try the "Last known good" option on the initial safe mode menu?
Might be too late if you already started reinstalling Windows but worth
trying. You might have picked up something nasty when the computer was
still working, or it could be a sign of hardware failure.

See about getting hold of a boot diskette/CD with
anti-virus/malware/diagnostic software on it to check the drive/computer
without having to boot into Windows.

Kerry Brown

Remove the hard drive from the computer. Install it in another computer.
Copy whatever data you can from the hard drive. Trying to fix things is
quite likely to cause more data loss. Once you are sure the data is safe
have another go at fixing things. Until then all you are doing is increasing
the odds that you will never see the data again.

Avalanche Kittie

I decided to do as Kerry suggested, I had a spare HDD lying around so
rermoved the SATA drive and did a fresh install of XP on the new
drive. So far so good, I thought - but then I hooked up the SATA as a
slave, installed the RAID drivers in XP... and as soon as the hard
drive whirred into life, the computer crashed. Now it gets as far as
doing a CHKDSK, apparently verifies that everything is okay, then
immediately crashes, reboots, gets to checking the disk again...
crashes. And so on.

CHKDSK verifies that my data is still on the drive as before, it's
exactly the right amount of space used up on the HDD... so I'm hoping
and praying that somebody can suggest a way of me accessing the drive
and getting my data off it! I have years worth of irreplaceable data
on there, some I backed up externally but so much I didn't... if
anyone can suggest anything I'd be over the moon.

Is the best option perhaps to swallow my pride and take the drive to a
professional and let them try to retrieve it safely? I feel quite
worried by the idea of putting its fate in somebody else's hands...

Best wishes,

Gerry Cornell


Is there a direct linkage between loading raid drivers and the crash?

Have you tried updating the raid drivers before installing the hard
drive. Are you installing the raid drivers from an original CD?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Avalanche Kittie

Hi Gerry - the drivers were being installed from a file I downloaded
straight from the manafacturer's website and transferred to the
machine via an external drive (I'm keeping the machine away from the
internet for now until it's sorted and has antivirus etc installed

How the crash happened was this: after I'd installed XP, I went to
System to install drivers for the devices that Windows hadn't
recognised. When I clicked to update the RAID drivers, I specified the
location where I'd unzipped the downloaded drivers and it recognised
the drive size, manufacturer and model correctly. Then I heard that
hard drive whirring into action, the system slowed down, then
rebooted, in about a space of 10 seconds or so perhaps. Since then,
the system is stuck in a loop of reaching CHKDSK during reboot and
then crashing after its scan. I'm sure that if I now disconnect the
SATA drive, the computer will boot with no problems as all of the
system failures seem related to this drive.

I'll try removing the drive, reinstalling the raid drivers and then
attaching the drive and see if that helps at all!

Gerry Cornell


Watch the Stop Error Reports for subtle changes and post copies if
they do.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

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