stock database and table design - pls help!



I need some help on table design for a stock database, here are the column
headings: Symbol, High, Low, Close, Volume, Date, Close Bid and Close Ask.
Right now I have one very large table where I cant import any more records
(over 300,000 rows ) - how can I split this large table into smaller tables
where I can add my data daily and connect them together to run queries

Ed Warren

300,000 rows in and of its-self is no problem for an access database. The
limit is 4gb and how you use that limit is of real interest.
First with that many rows, I would make sure my Symbol field was set as
short as possible to hold the longest symbol. Probably about 5-6
Second I would make sure the date is stored as a date/time (actually a
floating point number rather than a text field),
next make sure all the other fields are set to a double (single precision
floating point) currency is a double percision floating point number. So
unless you really need the increased percision you can use 1/2 the storage
for your numbers.

Then I would compact and repair often to make sure the database does not
bloat over time.

If none of the above works, go to MySql as a datastore and Access as a front

Ed Warren.

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