stLinkCriteria help



How do I add the following criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "IsNull([tbl8D].[Close_Date])"

to this criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] &

Every time I try to combine the two I get a "Type Mismatch" or can not
find the expression "|" depending on how I try to write it.

Jeff Boyce

You are attempting to describe "how" ... but haven't explained "what". What
will having the combination ("add the following...") allow you to do?

And what do you expect to end up with after "adding the following..."? Are
you aware that the result of IsNull() is boolean T/F? Why are you trying to
add T/F to a date?

And I don't think you get to SET the value of DateValue() ... that function
returns the DateValue of something.

Tell us more about the underlying data ... what are [Close_Date] and
[Initiate_Date] and [NCMTDate]?

More info, please...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or psuedocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
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You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer

Dirk Goldgar

hotplate said:
How do I add the following criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "IsNull([tbl8D].[Close_Date])"

to this criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] &

Every time I try to combine the two I get a "Type Mismatch" or can not
find the expression "|" depending on how I try to write it.

Maybe this:

stLinkCriteria = _
"Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
" AND " & _
"[tbl8D].[Close_Date] Is Null"

Although you may not need the "[tbl8D]." qualifier, leaving you with this:

stLinkCriteria = _
"Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
" AND " & _
"[Close_Date] Is Null"


Thank you, this worked!!

How do I add the following criteria:
stLinkCriteria = "IsNull([tbl8D].[Close_Date])"
to this criteria:
stLinkCriteria = "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] &
Every time I try to combine the two I get a "Type Mismatch" or can not
find the expression "|" depending on how I try to write it.

Maybe this:

    stLinkCriteria = _
        "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
        " AND " & _
        "[tbl8D].[Close_Date] Is Null"

Although you may not need the "[tbl8D]." qualifier, leaving you with this:

    stLinkCriteria = _
        "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
        " AND " & _
        "[Close_Date] Is Null"

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

(please reply to the newsgroup)

Jeff Boyce

Thanks, Dirk!

All I could see was the toothpicks ... way too close to even see trees!

Jeff B.

Dirk Goldgar said:
hotplate said:
How do I add the following criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "IsNull([tbl8D].[Close_Date])"

to this criteria:

stLinkCriteria = "Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] &

Every time I try to combine the two I get a "Type Mismatch" or can not
find the expression "|" depending on how I try to write it.

Maybe this:

stLinkCriteria = _
"Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
" AND " & _
"[tbl8D].[Close_Date] Is Null"

Although you may not need the "[tbl8D]." qualifier, leaving you with this:

stLinkCriteria = _
"Datevalue([Initiate_Date])=" & "#" & Me![NCMTDate] & "#" & _
" AND " & _
"[Close_Date] Is Null"

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
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(please reply to the newsgroup)

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