Still having Windows Update Problems


ross m. greenberg

When I tried to do a Windows update through tools in IE7 or through the Start Menu, I get a weird error message telling me that Windows update is on able to figure out what I need updated and I get an error message of "800b0109"

When I look that up on the KnowledgeBase I don't find anything.

What might be wrong and how can I resolve this problem?

I am running a Windows Vista Ultimate.




I can't be bothered reading your posts from WUGNET or other forums you may
have posted the same problem on so I do not know what you have tried so far. - Contains the error code within the
symptoms partand has 9 methods to resolve

Anything preventing you from doing a reinstallation of Vista?


When I tried to do a Windows update through tools in IE7 or through the
Start Menu, I get a weird error message telling me that Windows update is on
able to figure out what I need updated and I get an error message of

When I look that up on the KnowledgeBase I don't find anything.

What might be wrong and how can I resolve this problem?

I am running a Windows Vista Ultimate.



Andre Da Costa [ActiveWin]

Try disabling your Antivirus utility then try updating again.
My Vista Quickstart Guide:!E8E5CC039D51E3DB!9709.entry
When I tried to do a Windows update through tools in IE7 or through the
Start Menu, I get a weird error message telling me that Windows update is on
able to figure out what I need updated and I get an error message of

When I look that up on the KnowledgeBase I don't find anything.

What might be wrong and how can I resolve this problem?

I am running a Windows Vista Ultimate.



ross m. greenberg

Dave said:
I can't be bothered reading your posts from WUGNET or other forums you may
have posted the same problem on so I do not know what you have tried so far. - Contains the error code within the
symptoms partand has 9 methods to resolve

Fantastic news!: going through the cited article I was able to get Windows Update to work eventually by turning off the net services so I could rename the .log. I could then run Windows Update to completion, selecting the components to update, repeating as necessary, emulating Windows Update after a automatic system configuration.

It feels so good to be able to run Windows Update again!

Thank you!!


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