Still having problems with session state



I am still having problems with sessions crossing over from other sessions. What I mean by this is that Mary may get just some or all of Renae’s information. I think that what is going on with this problem is the way that I have the solution setup

I have this .NET CEmployees class that I am storing into a session object. The sessions are stored using SQL Server. I also have this ActiveX DLL file created in VB6. The ActiveX DLL file has many classes and collections that I will be using through a .NET project. The worker process does not recycle. A summery of the solution tree is below

Solution ‘Solutionâ€

In my CPosition and CColPositions classes I have inherited the classes that are in ActiveXDLLFile by

Namespace Employe
Public Class CPositio
Inherits ActiveXDLLFile.clsPositionClas
End Clas

Namespace Employe
Public Class CColPosition
Inherits ActiveXDLLFile.colPositionsClas
End Clas
End Namespac

And in the CEmployee class I have

Namespace Employe
Public Class CEmploye
With all the Private Variables, Public Properties and constructor
End Clas
End Namespac

And in the WebForm.aspx pages I get the classes by

Dim m_Position As New CPositio

This leads to another question. If I set up a solution like this how can I use the colPositions through CColPositions using a For…Next loop? I asked this question before but the trail went cold

Is this the correct way of setting this project up? What else should I be looking at to solve this problem



Thank you for the reply and the reposting of the article

This article is how to use a .NET collection class from VB6. I did work through the example in the article, nice and simple. I am looking for something along the lines of how to use a VB6 collection class from .NET. Not unless I am missing something in the article that after some thought would have worked for using a VB6 collection class from .NET. Also, is there any problems that you can see in my layout of the solution as to why my sessions get crossed

Thanks again

----- Bin Song, MCP wrote: ----

Hi, Charles

Did you check my last response on your previous post
I suggest the following article might be helpful. It mentioned to implement GetEnumerator() to get rid of For..Each error
Pay attention to the last few paragraphs
Hope it helps

Bin Song, MC


Your structure looks OK
The only thing is that your VB ActiveX Dll has been encapsulated in your business objects Projects. I don't think that you need to refer it in the web project unless you will still want to use them directly on web

Bin Song, MCP


I am happy to hear that someone thinks that my structure should work

Do you think that by me using frames would cause a problem? If it could, how would I fix that so that I can still use frames. I need to have a menu on the left hand side

Thanks for your reply

----- Bin Song, MCP wrote: ----

Your structure looks OK
The only thing is that your VB ActiveX Dll has been encapsulated in your business objects Projects. I don't think that you need to refer it in the web project unless you will still want to use them directly on web

Bin Song, MCP


It looks like it is getting better. It takes longer to get the sessions to cross into another browers


----- Bin Song, MCP wrote: ----

Your structure looks OK
The only thing is that your VB ActiveX Dll has been encapsulated in your business objects Projects. I don't think that you need to refer it in the web project unless you will still want to use them directly on web

Bin Song, MCP

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