


What BS! MS is gonna make legitimate users jump though more hoops!

I love it! MS is just making it harder for its PAYING customers! Most
don't understand how activation works, and now MS is adding more crap
they won't understand!

MS already has "locked" down their spyware program beta from being
downloaded off its web page until you do a piracy-check, but the funny
thing is that it can be downloaded from MS server if you figure out the
direct url to the file on the web server!

So this piracy-check BULLSH*T does even work! Ha Ha Ha!

But the MicroMoron Masses, who can't figure out how to keep their OS
patched now, will find another hurdle in their path!

I just love it! Thanks Microsoft for keeping me effin' amused at your
total stupidity!


Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei

Tony Norman

Notice....I'm the only one wasting my time replying to this....and my time


Tony Norman said:
Notice....I'm the only one wasting my time replying to this....and my
time wasting!

I bet you are the kinda guy that has to announce to a room full of
people that you are going to the bathroom, and whether is it a number
one or two trip.

Keep on letting MS sh*t on you, just for buying it's security-disabled
OS! You deserve to all the hoops they make you jump though!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei

Tony Norman

Smooth! Real Smooth! Actually, Mr. Crystal Ball, I don't tell anyone about
anything I do, I just go ahead and do it! What's the big deal about their
little piracy check? I didn't see a big problem in punching in my product
key, so they could do what they needed to do with it, and I don't see what
your problem is!
By the way, I think your little off topic "bathroom" thing there, might have
been your reflection in that Ol' Crystal Ball of yours, so ummm.... dust it
off, and try again!
(Maybe as you are dusting it, you will find the little link in the Help and
Support Center to send your feedback to Microsoft, and complain to
them....not us. Incase you don't find it, it's
Start>Help and Support> Under "Pick a Help topic, at the very bottom, you
might just stumble across what says "Send your feedback to Microsoft")
.....and there you are Mr. Smarty Britches....yea I changed it....wanna
complain about that too?


-----Original Message-----
Smooth! Real Smooth! Actually, Mr. Crystal Ball, I don't tell anyone about
anything I do, I just go ahead and do it! What's the big deal about their
little piracy check? I didn't see a big problem in punching in my product
key, so they could do what they needed to do with it, and I don't see what
your problem is!
By the way, I think your little off topic "bathroom" thing there, might have
been your reflection in that Ol' Crystal Ball of yours, so ummm.... dust it
off, and try again!
(Maybe as you are dusting it, you will find the little link in the Help and
Support Center to send your feedback to Microsoft, and complain to
them....not us. Incase you don't find it, it's
Start>Help and Support> Under "Pick a Help topic, at the very bottom, you
might just stumble across what says "Send your feedback to Microsoft")
.....and there you are Mr. Smarty Britches....yea I changed it....wanna
complain about that too?

Kurttrail, where have you been? I was afraid you were
washed away in the hurricanes.

Michael Stevens

Tony said:
Smooth! Real Smooth! Actually, Mr. Crystal Ball, I don't tell anyone
about anything I do, I just go ahead and do it! What's the big deal
about their little piracy check? I didn't see a big problem in
punching in my product key, so they could do what they needed to do
with it, and I don't see what your problem is!
By the way, I think your little off topic "bathroom" thing there,
might have been your reflection in that Ol' Crystal Ball of yours, so
ummm.... dust it off, and try again!
(Maybe as you are dusting it, you will find the little link in the
Help and Support Center to send your feedback to Microsoft, and
complain to them....not us. Incase you don't find it, it's
Start>Help and Support> Under "Pick a Help topic, at the very bottom,
you might just stumble across what says "Send your feedback to
Microsoft") ....and there you are Mr. Smarty Britches....yea I
changed it....wanna complain about that too?

Don't know who you are, but welcome aboard and seems like you have a good
read on inuendo and agenda. Kurt's been absent for awhile, [not missed BTW
:cool:] and seems to be looking for fresh meat to exploit. Ignore him, he is a
highly skilled newsgroup warrior and because he has no sense of fair play,
notice exactly how he posts to your replies and choose your words carefully
when you reply.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Granny said:
Kurttrail, where have you been? I was afraid you were
washed away in the hurricanes.

I've been taking a break from the USENET since Americans voted to keep
Bush in office. I actually made it through the hurricanes very well.

I just had to say something about the mandatory Piracy Check though. MS
just keeps adding more and more hurdles to using its software, and the
only people that it hurts is its PAYING customers. One day in the not
so distant future, what will MS be checking besides your computer
hardware and Product Key? Why the computer user, of course!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei


Tony Norman said:
Smooth! Real Smooth! Actually, Mr. Crystal Ball, I don't tell anyone
about anything I do, I just go ahead and do it! What's the big deal
about their little piracy check? I didn't see a big problem in
punching in my product key, so they could do what they needed to do
with it, and I don't see what your problem is!

Just one more thing that will keep the computer morons from keeping the
OS patched.

And that is a security hole for the whole NET!
By the way, I think your little off topic "bathroom" thing there,
might have been your reflection in that Ol' Crystal Ball of yours, so
ummm.... dust it off, and try again!
(Maybe as you are dusting it, you will find the little link in the
Help and Support Center to send your feedback to Microsoft, and
complain to them....not us. Incase you don't find it, it's
Start>Help and Support> Under "Pick a Help topic, at the very bottom,
you might just stumble across what says "Send your feedback to
Microsoft") ....and there you are Mr. Smarty Britches....yea I changed
it....wanna complain about that too?

"Notice....I'm the only one wasting my time replying to this....and my

You have proven that you are not a man of your word.

Take Mikey's advice!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei


Michael Stevens said:
Tony Norman wrote:

Don't know who you are, but welcome aboard and seems like you have a
good read on inuendo and agenda. Kurt's been absent for awhile, [not
missed BTW :cool:]

LOL! You know you miss me, Mikey!
and seems to be looking for fresh meat to exploit. Ignore him, he is a
highly skilled newsgroup warrior and because he has no sense of fair
play, notice exactly how he posts to your replies and choose your
words carefully when you reply.

Thanks for the compliment! You really do love me!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei

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