


I accidentally clicked on the windows logo in the top right of my screen, and
now my mouse won't work. I have to use Mouse Keys to be able to move the

James Silverton

sophia wrote on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:56:02 -0700:

s> I accidentally clicked on the windows logo in the top right
s> of my screen, and now my mouse won't work. I have to use
s> Mouse Keys to be able to move the pointer.

More information please. What Windows logo on top right; I don't
have one? :)

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:


James Silverton said:
sophia wrote on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:56:02 -0700:

s> I accidentally clicked on the windows logo in the top right
s> of my screen, and now my mouse won't work. I have to use
s> Mouse Keys to be able to move the pointer.

More information please. What Windows logo on top right; I don't have one?

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

Surely she is referring to the MS flag that waves during download activity
at the end of the toolbar. I get no reaction clicking on it, believe its
only a indicator.


On some desktiops there is a MS "flag" logo which has a right click context
menu - not all menus are alike.

What "desktop view" was present at the time?

You mention "sticky keys" - Check Start>Control panel>Accessibility
options> - is "Sticky Keys" option checked? if so uncheck.

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