Stick with XP, Vista is not ready for prime time yet

  • Thread starter John Wesley Asquith
  • Start date

Adam Albright

So truthfully you're not here to get help with any of your Vista
problems, right?
You're just here to rant like all the rest of the linux loser trolls.
Just what I thought.

Geez Frank, you already proved you're a buffoon, no need to keep
illustrating WHY you are just one of the newsgroup clowns, we know


Rick said:
It's a common ploy for trolls to attempt to stir argument by posting
something like that. You'll notice in a perusal of other of his posts
that the OP never responds to any of the rebuttals, he just posts more
rants. OP is also using Forte Agent for posting, so it is impossible to
determine if he's actually used or using Vista. By the inaccurate
statements he has made thus far, it is quite likely that he is just
making things up or going from heresay. This is done solely with the
intention of creating contention, not from any statement of fact.

The best solution is to just ignore trolls, as every response - even
those that are not geared towards the argument - just serves to
encourage them to continue.
Your last statement is true. However, you should address it to Richard,
not me. I just asked how Richard came up with the conclusions he made.
They did not seem to be readily apparent, and in and of themselves
seemed to foment more of the atmosphere you suggest not be encouraged.


John Wesley Asquith said:
Once again you have made an assumption that is wrong.

I did NOT decide to upgrade to Vista. The new HP computers I purchased
came with Vista already installed (along with 60 GB of other crap
already installed).

1. Make sure you reply to the right person.

2. 60GB eh? That's hard to believe. Which HP model?

3. Dave is still right as you made the CHOICE to buy a machine with Vista on

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