step through a struct using foreach


titan nyquist

Can I step through a struct using foreach? I want a method that steps
through a struct, and prints out the name/value of each member. Can
it be done?

The error I get when trying this is: "foreach statement cannot
operate on variables of type '...' because '...' does not contain a
public definition for 'GetEnumerator'. And it points me to

I guess this is the answer, but it is over my head at this moment.

Marc Gravell

What do you mean, "steps through a struct"? If you mean the
sub-properties, then something like

foreach(PropertyDescriptor property in
TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(myValue)) {

may suffice...


titan nyquist


Here's example code (that does not work) of what I was trying to do:

namespace DisplayStructContentsTest
class Program

struct Employee
public string name;
public int age;
public string location;

static void Main(string[] args)
Employee employee; = "Jim Smith";
employee.age = 35;
employee.location = "California";

foreach (object obj in employee)
Console.WriteLine(obj + " = " + obj.ToString());

// Output I wish for:
// name = Jim Smith
// age = 35
// location = California


titan nyquist

The point is, if I modify the struct, I want the code to automatically
handle the new structure. For example, if I add a "birthdate" field,
the code should (without modification) display the birthdate.

Marc Gravell

Exposing fields forces you to use reflection; very similar to the
component model code:

foreach (FieldInfo fi in employee.GetType().GetFields()) {
Console.WriteLine(fi.Name + " = " +

But!! I can't tell you how to code, but you are a: using public
fields, and b: using mutable structs. Neither of these is particularly
good practice in .Net. Please note that CLR structs are very different
to C[++] structs; they are not the same, and perhaps it was
unfortunate to call them structs in C#. What you have feels more like
a class. The public fields are marginally less critical, but prevent
you from doing any find of validation / notification, or changing the
model. I strongly advise using .Net the way it is intended, i.e.
(short version):

class Employee {
private string name, location;
private int age;
public string Name { get { return name; } set { name =
value; } }
public string Location { get { return location; } set {
location = value; } }
public int Age { get { return age; } set { age =
value; } }

This obeys a lot more CLR conventions, and will work more as expected
in collections etc.


Marc Gravell

Don't worry... we get it ;-p See other post.

However; this precisely illustrates my point re properties. When you
add the "birthdate", you might want to cease having "age" as a field,
and start using a calculated "get", i.e. using the offset from
DateTime.Now when the "get" is called.


Tom Porterfield

titan said:
The point is, if I modify the struct, I want the code to automatically
handle the new structure. For example, if I add a "birthdate" field,
the code should (without modification) display the birthdate.

The following should do it:

Employee employee; = "Jim Smith";
employee.age = 35;
employee.location = "California";

Type t = employee.GetType();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo [] fields =

foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields)
Console.WriteLine(field.Name + " = " + field.GetValue(employee));

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