I just bought the re-mastered version of Bulletstorm with the Duke Nukem character mod for £12.22, it's been for sale at £30 (+ £4.73 for the Duke Nukem mod) for a long time now and I wasn't going to pay that much for a game I'd previously purchased.
I still have the hard disk of the original game in its case but it won't run on Windows 10. Probably because it was originally released as a 'Games For Windows Live' which as we know Microsoft ditched after a few years. Thank you Microsoft.
Bulletstorm is a good fps game so I thought I'd like to play that through again.
On the same note I bought Fable III in Steam some time ago which is another 'Games For Windows Live' release and it worked ok in Win 7 but won't work in Windows 10.
Whichever is to blame - GFWL or Win 10 - it's still down to Microsoft and let's not forget my Xbox 1 copy of Gears For war 4 won't now work in Win 10. I'm definitely not impressed with Microsoft
Finally, yesterday evening my network wireless printer stopped working. I had to fetch it from another room, connect with a usb cable, uninstall it then re-install with new drivers which (eventually) got it working wirelessly.
It's a Brother printer and I downloaded the new drivers from their website where they stated that my printer wouldn't now work with Win 10 following one of Microsoft's compulsory updates. Thank you Microsoft, thank you.