static virtual



I know that you can't have a static virtual property, but is there a
way to simulate the same results?

I have a base class that I want to extend so that you can change a
value and it inherits all of the methods to work with that value.
That's easy enough:

class BaseC {
string val;

public DoSomething() {
//manipulate val

class Derived : BaseC {
public Derived() {
val = "foo"

Derived.DoSomething() now manipulates "foo"

Now if I want BaseC to have static methods, that also manipulate
'val', I have to make val static. But when I have multiple derived
classes with static constructors, the static variable is for all of
the derived classes (bad).

I thought I could make static virtual properties that could just be
overloaded in the derived classes to return the correct value, but as
I stated, static virtual is not allowed.

Any Ideas?


Try using the singleton design pattern. Make the Base a singleton. When
derived types get constructed, a single base is created for that derv
instance exclusively. This derv instance could manipulate the variable
originally defined in Base, and would not meddle with other derv's definition
as well.


I don't see how static virtual makes any sense.
How do you expect to manipulate instance variables of
a class from static methods of the same class?!?!


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