Starting VS.NET without IE(Strange problem with IE)


Lau Lei Cheong


I'm writing a ASP.NET application with VS.NET 2003 on a remote server.
(My desktop is using WinXP Pro and the remote server is running Win2003
server with IIS6, .NET framework and frontpage extension installed, both of
them was running properly since yesterday.)

Yesterday, after a crash on IE, I cannot use IE to browse web pages. I
can telnet to other computer's port 80 and retrieve HTML codes by issuing
GET command so this should not be internet connection problem. After removal
of IE(by removal in "Windows Components" and changing
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}\IsInstalled to 0, then
restart in safe mode and deleting "Program Files\Internet Explorer" folder),
I tried to reinstall it with the ie6setup.exe located in "Windows Update
Files" directory. But when installing IE6 browser, the program told me that
the software is not a "windows logo" program and refuse to let me install
it.(This is very strange behaviour as I think IE is always part of Windows
since Win95)

Since after that another program named PCMan which based on IE started
to function properly(in the beginning I also cannot open web pages). I
decided to leave IE uninstalled.

But now when I want to open the web project using VS.NET 2003, it
complains that cannot establish connection to the remote server. (I can
still view the web page using PCMan now)

While I believe it is something related to the uninstalled IE, I'd like
to ask that is there any way to open VS.NET web projects without IE, or is
there any way that I can install back the IE browser?

Thank for any help provided.

Lau Lei Cheong

Lau Lei Cheong


I'm writing a ASP.NET application with VS.NET 2003 on a remote server.
(My desktop is using WinXP Pro and the remote server is running Win2003
server with IIS6, .NET framework and frontpage extension installed, both of
them was running properly till yesterday.)

Yesterday, after a crash on IE, I cannot use IE to browse web pages. I
can telnet to other computer's port 80 and retrieve HTML codes by issuing
GET command so this should not be internet connection problem. After removal
of IE(by removal in "Windows Components" and changing
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}\IsInstalled to 0, then
restart in safe mode and deleting "Program Files\Internet Explorer" folder),
I tried to reinstall it with the ie6setup.exe located in "Windows Update
Files" directory. But when installing IE6 browser, the program told me that
the software is not a "windows logo" program and refuse to let me install
it.(This is very strange behaviour as I think IE is always part of Windows
since Win95)

Since after that another program named PCMan which based on IE started
to function properly(in the beginning I also cannot open web pages). I
decided to leave IE uninstalled.

But now when I want to open the web project using VS.NET 2003, it
complains that cannot establish connection to the remote server. (I can
still view the web page using PCMan now)

While I believe it is something related to the uninstalled IE, I'd like
to ask that is there any way to open VS.NET web projects without IE, or is
there any way that I can install back the IE browser?

Thank for any help provided.

Lau Lei Cheong

Sandi - Microsoft MVP


IE cannot be removed from XP Pro via 'Windows Components', nor by editing a
registry key, booting into safe mode and deleting the folder you mention.

I note that the registry key you mention is correct, but must stress that by
editing that key all you are doing is tricking XP into allowing IE to be
reinstalled. This is very different to 'removing' IE.

The error message you mention (which, I suspect, is more correctly described
as a 'windows logo testing error') was originally addressed here:

But we are now referred here:

Considering you deleted the Internet Explorer folder (a big no-no), the fix
may not work; you may need to run the XP repair console.

Regarding your VS.NET problems, I have not been studying that software long
enough to be able to answer that question except to point out, again, that
IE *cannot* be removed from XP, though it can be *disabled*.

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)


Sure, I agree that want I mentioned in my previous message should be
rephased to "removing the IE web browser, i.e.: iexplore.exe"

I've read the link you provided but it doesn't work, the issue should be
instead the one described in here:;en-us;828031

However, I cannot follow the instruction because I cannot find any item
named KB823559 to be removed. Since I've be idled all day, my head have
instructed me to reinstall the computer. Thanks for your help anyway. :)

I'm still interested in how I'd be able to reinstall IE if I cannot find
way to uninstall the hotfix. Can anyone tell me how to remove a hotfix if I
can't find the item in "install/remove program"? I'm sure if that can be
done it should be a great "quick and dirty" way when doing troubleshooting,
when I have to remove something first to install another one.

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