start menu "lost"



I have been asked to look at a laptop for a school as it
is not working properly. It is running windows 2000
professional. When it boots up I can log on, but when I
click start the start button remains depressed and no menu
appears. I have tried reinstalling win2000pro from the
disk, I followed the upgrade option, rather than the
complete reinstall as I didn't want to lose all my
installed programs, but the problem was not fixed. Any
ideas anyone? Thanks.

Jerold Schulman

I have been asked to look at a laptop for a school as it
is not working properly. It is running windows 2000
professional. When it boots up I can log on, but when I
click start the start button remains depressed and no menu
appears. I have tried reinstalling win2000pro from the
disk, I followed the upgrade option, rather than the
complete reinstall as I didn't want to lose all my
installed programs, but the problem was not fixed. Any
ideas anyone? Thanks.

See tip 3227 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at
3227 » When you press the Start button, it stays depressed and nothing is displayed?

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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