Start Excel and run a macro on a given filename?


JJ \(UK\)

Hi all

I was hoping there were some command line switches that would allow this
functionality but I can't find them.

I've found instructions on automatically running a macro within an existing
workbook by calling it Auto_Open but that doesn't quite match what I need.

What we have is a batch script that runs every Monday and produces a .csv
file called As you can see the filename
changes every time the script runs (such as
IS_ScanResults_20041130_11.28.csv if the script ran today at 11:28 am).

I've also written a VB macro that tidies up the raw .csv file in to a more
presentable Excel spreadsheet, converting bytes to megabytes and sorting by
one of the columns etc. etc.

What I'd like to do is at the end of the batch file get it to open the .csv
file in Excel and run the macro (called 'FormatMailServerCapacityReport' and
stored in macros.xls) on that .csv file.

Is there a way of achieving this?

Thanks in advance



Hello JJ(UK),

I'm not sure if this will help but give this a try....

In an Excel Spreadsheet, place the following code in the Workbook_Open()

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim FileS As FileSearch
Dim File As Variant

On Error Resume Next
Dim usedRng As Range

DetermineUsedRange usedRng

Set FileS = Application.FileSearch
With FileS
.FileName = "*.log"
.LookIn = "\\Sever\log$"
.SearchSubFolders = False
End With

For Each File In Application.FileSearch.FoundFiles
ImportTextFile File, ","
Next File


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

What this code does is find auto-generated log files, clears the spreadsheet
and then imports the data (comma delimited). Now you can change this to
clear only a dynamic named range (ie.
=OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$5,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A)*2,10)), so that your column
headings do not get blown away. Also, you would change it to find the files
on your server, directory with your file naming wildcard.

This is very simplistic and can be augmented for a more robust solution.
This should get you in the direction I think you are tying to go.

HTH, Dean.

Bob Phillips

Get the script file to run Excel and open the workbook with your macro. The
macro can open the csv and so it's bit, closing Excel down at the end. Just
make sure there is no screen interaction in the macro, or else it will need
to be attended

Dim oXLApp

Set oXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oXLApp.Workbooks.Open "C:\dir\file.xls"



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

JJ \(UK\)

Nice and simple. Except for one thing. How do I pass the name of the .csv
file to the macro bearing in mind the .csv filename changes each time the
batch file is run...


Bob Phillips

Surely there is a rule that you can codify. You have the problem however you
do it.

An alternative has just occurred to me. Your Excel macro could do a
GetOpenFilename to browse for the file.

fileToOpen = oXLApp_
.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.csv), *.csv")
If fileToOpen <> False Then
oXLApp.Workbooks.Open fileToOpen
End If


(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

JJ \(UK\)

I like that GetOpenFilename thang, although it's no good here since I want
the script to run unattended...


Bob Phillips

So, as I said before, what are the rules to determine the filename?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

JJ \(UK\)

Oh, sorry, within the batch script it's something like

for /f %a in ('date /t') do set date=%a && set month=%b && set year=%c
for /f %a in ('time /t') do set hour=%a && set year=%b

then further down


So the report will be appended with the date and time the script was started
thus creating a unique name everytime.

The alternative is to keep the .csv filename the same and get the Excel
macro to SaveAs with the date and time that the macro was running which I
guess will be close enough...I've got the code to do this somewhere...


Bob Phillips

Sorry, don't know that code. But could you not plug that value into the part
of the script that opens the file?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

JJ \(UK\)

Ah, that's what I'm trying to do.

I was hoping I'd be able to do something like this:

Excel.exe IS_ScanResults_20041130_11.28.csv

So, run Excel, opening the .csv report and run the macro called
FormatMailServerCapacityReport stored within macros.xls.


JJ \(UK\)


Sorry for not responding earlier.

First time I read your post it gave me a headache, but I think I see what
you mean now.

It's in the melting pot, just as soon as I find a spare moment to give it a

Thank you.



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