Start 20 Threads, stop them all after 10 seconds


Mark B


I was wondering if someone could help me with the syntax for some VB.Net
ASPX code to:

- Start 20 threads
- End all threads after the sooner of 10 seconds or if all of the threads
themselves have finished.

BTW, each thread checks an email address for validity with
If it is taking too long (e.g. > 10 seconds) I just want to look at the
results for the threads that have finished.


Cor Ligthert


The most simple way is to set them first in an array and than to abort them
using a timer in your main program. (I doubt if it really will work.)

As I understand it well, does this mean that if you have 100 sessions
active, that than you have 2000 threads active in your system.

Now I see even less purpose of your threading. (Probably your processor time
is eaten by the processing of those threads)

However just my thought of course.



well in my opinion a asynchrone started dellegate would be a much cleaner
solution in this situation
just my 2 cents

Michel Posseth [MCP]

Mark B

Thanks. OK then, here's the code I could use:

'********CODE START***************
Dim intResult(20) as Integer = 1
Dim i as Integer
'intResult(i) 1 = Not Finished, 2 = True , 3 =False

For i = 1 To 20

'*******Start thread (i) here
If Mx.Validate(Session("Email"+Format$(i,"00")))=True Then
'This tests the particular email address
intResult(i)= 2
intResult(i)= 3
End If
' *********End thread (i)i here

Next i

'********CODE END***************

Can someone help me with the threading syntax I should use above where it

'*******Start thread i here
' *********End thread i here

and also the main engine code to shut down the threads after 10 seconds.
Then the 20 session variables can be inspected to see which ones passed,
failed and timed-out.


P.S. "As I understand it well, does this mean that if you have 100 sessions
active, that than you have 2000 threads active in your system." True, but
the threads are only active for 10 seconds per session. We can see how it

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

In addition to the other comments:

Directly creating threads can be costly, rather then use New Thread, I would
recommend using either the ThreadPool, creating your own thread pool, or
using an async delegate.

The following MSDN Magazine article shows one method of creating a timed

Depending on how you call, for example if its a Web Service
wouldn't it be easier to simply set the WebClientProtocol.Timeout property
to your timeout amount (10 seconds)?

Something like:

'********CODE START***************

' set the method timeout on the proxy to 10 seconds
Mx.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds)

Dim intResult(20) as Integer = 1
Dim i as Integer
'intResult(i) 1 = Not Finished, 2 = True , 3 =False

For i = 1 To 20

'*******Start thread (i) here
If Mx.Validate(Session("Email"+Format$(i,"00")))=True Then
'This tests the particular email address
intResult(i)= 2
intResult(i)= 3
End If
' *********End thread (i)i here

Next i

'********CODE END***************

Also, depending on how may total requests I had coming in, I would consider
doing these 20 outgoing requests asynchronously.

Something like (syntax checked only):

Mx.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds)

Dim intResults(20 - 1) As Integer

Dim results(20 - 1) As IAsyncResult

' Queue up all the requests
For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1

intResults(index) = 1
results(index) =
Mx.BeginValidate(Session("Email"+Format$(i,"00)), nothing, nothing)

Next index

' wait for each request to finish
For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1
If Mx.EndValidate(results(index)) Then
'This tests the particular email address
intResults(index)= 2
intResults(index)= 3
End If

NOTE: You may need the Mx.EndValidate in a Try/Catch as the Timeout will
cause an exception to be raised...

The advantage of using BeginValidate is that all 20 validates are executing

Hope this helps

| Hi
| I was wondering if someone could help me with the syntax for some VB.Net
| ASPX code to:
| - Start 20 threads
| - End all threads after the sooner of 10 seconds or if all of the threads
| themselves have finished.
| BTW, each thread checks an email address for validity with
| If it is taking too long (e.g. > 10 seconds) I just want to look at the
| results for the threads that have finished.
| Mark

Mark B

Thanks very much.

I haven't really programmed much in VB.Net before just VBA.

I couldn't find the method "BeginValidate" or "EndValidate" in the ASPNetMX
documentation at Where does it
come from?

Also, excuse my .Net ignorance but does "asynchronously" mean at the same

And, is "For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1" the same as:

Dim index as Integer
For index = 0 To 19

Kevin Spencer

Did you read my reply from last week? I spent a long time covering this. I
recommended that you do not use multiple threads. Perhaps that isn't what
you wanted to hear, but I gave you quite a few good reasons not to.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

| I couldn't find the method "BeginValidate" or "EndValidate" in the
| documentation at Where does it
| come from?
"BeginValidate" or "EndValidate" are based on ASPNetMX being a Web Service,
ASPNetMX is not a web service, ergo they don't exist per se. You should be
able to use an asynchronous delegate with ASPNetMX.

| Also, excuse my .Net ignorance but does "asynchronously" mean at the same
| time?
Yes. For details on asynchronous programming see:

| And, is "For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1" the same as:
| Dim index as Integer
| For index = 0 To 19

| I haven't really programmed much in VB.Net before just VBA.

Looking at, I would consider using
ValidateQty instead of Validate, as ValidateQty does a list of addresses.
Then I would not worry about getting multi-threading & asynchronous
programming to work. As Kevin suggests multi-threading is something to
consider not using, as it is a very advanced topic that is easy to make
things worse then better, although I have not specifically read Kevin's
response... Asynchronous programming ("BeginValidate" or "EndValidate") are
generally easier, however even then you need to be very careful as its still
multi-threaded programming.

Hope this helps

| Thanks very much.
| I haven't really programmed much in VB.Net before just VBA.
| I couldn't find the method "BeginValidate" or "EndValidate" in the
| documentation at Where does it
| come from?
| Also, excuse my .Net ignorance but does "asynchronously" mean at the same
| time?
| And, is "For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1" the same as:
| Dim index as Integer
| For index = 0 To 19
| | > Mark,
| > In addition to the other comments:
| >
| > Directly creating threads can be costly, rather then use New Thread, I
| would
| > recommend using either the ThreadPool, creating your own thread pool, or
| > using an async delegate.
| >
| > The following MSDN Magazine article shows one method of creating a timed
| > method.
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > Depending on how you call, for example if its a Web
| Service
| > wouldn't it be easier to simply set the WebClientProtocol.Timeout
| > to your timeout amount (10 seconds)?
| >
| >
| >
| > Something like:
| >
| > '********CODE START***************
| >
| > ' set the method timeout on the proxy to 10 seconds
| > Mx.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds)
| >
| >
| > Dim intResult(20) as Integer = 1
| > Dim i as Integer
| > 'intResult(i) 1 = Not Finished, 2 = True , 3 =False
| >
| > For i = 1 To 20
| >
| > '*******Start thread (i) here
| > If Mx.Validate(Session("Email"+Format$(i,"00")))=True Then
| > 'This tests the particular email address
| > intResult(i)= 2
| > Else
| > intResult(i)= 3
| > End If
| > ' *********End thread (i)i here
| >
| > Next i
| >
| > '********CODE END***************
| >
| > Also, depending on how may total requests I had coming in, I would
| consider
| > doing these 20 outgoing requests asynchronously.
| >
| > Something like (syntax checked only):
| >
| > Mx.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds)
| >
| > Dim intResults(20 - 1) As Integer
| >
| > Dim results(20 - 1) As IAsyncResult
| >
| > ' Queue up all the requests
| > For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1
| >
| > intResults(index) = 1
| > results(index) =
| > Mx.BeginValidate(Session("Email"+Format$(i,"00)), nothing, nothing)
| >
| > Next index
| >
| > ' wait for each request to finish
| > For index As Integer = 0 To 20 - 1
| > If Mx.EndValidate(results(index)) Then
| > 'This tests the particular email address
| > intResults(index)= 2
| > Else
| > intResults(index)= 3
| > End If
| > Next
| >
| > NOTE: You may need the Mx.EndValidate in a Try/Catch as the Timeout will
| > cause an exception to be raised...
| >
| > The advantage of using BeginValidate is that all 20 validates are
| executing
| > concurrently...
| >
| > Hope this helps
| > Jay
| >
| > | > | Hi
| > |
| > | I was wondering if someone could help me with the syntax for some
| > | ASPX code to:
| > |
| > | - Start 20 threads
| > | - End all threads after the sooner of 10 seconds or if all of the
| threads
| > | themselves have finished.
| > |
| > | BTW, each thread checks an email address for validity with
| >
| > | If it is taking too long (e.g. > 10 seconds) I just want to look at
| > | results for the threads that have finished.
| > |
| > | TIA
| > | Mark
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >

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