Standby problems


Donald Wyllie

Hi Folks: I use a Logitech wireless keyboard and the sleep button has
worked OK till yesterday. I installed a driver for an ACARD SCSI card.
The card was previously physically installed but I had forgotten to
install the driver. Didn't notice till I tried to use the scanner (Acer
610s). Now if I go to "Start" "Turn off Computer" the Standby button is
greyed out. Also, if I press the power button on the computer it wont
shut down but restarts. This is similar to a previous problem for which
there is a fix. But I can't remember what it is! Something in the
registry has gone a bit skewed. Any help please. Thanks, Donald

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You basically have two options here, as you have already identified the

1) Uninstall the driver you installed.

2) See if an updated one is available from the card manufacturer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Donald Wyllie

Thank you Rick. This is the same driver I used before I had a serious
crash and everything worked OK then. I had to reinstall Win XP. Will
uninstalling the driver actually reset the registry to pre-installation
conditions? Finally, could you point me to where the info is about the
reset problem on shutdown. Thanks, Donald

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Donald,

Removing it should revert the system, but if it doesn't you can use System

On the shutdown issues, were you referring to this?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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