SQLDMO.NameList returns Oracle??


Graham R Seach

Hi guys,

I need to know whether SQLDMO.NameList returns only SQL Server instance
names, or whether it returns ALL server instances in the domain (including

I'm doing a project for a government department (an Oracle shop). I have
been building a system that backends to SQL Server 2000 Ent. I had approval
to do so, but now, IBM/GSA (who manage the network infrastructure) have said
"no" to SQL Server. I'm almost finished the damned project, so I need
ammunition to take into a meeting.

The following code returns a bunch of instance names, which I assume (given
that the documentation supports my contention) to be SQL Server instances,
not Oracle. If as this list suggests, there are already SQL Server instances
in the domain, I can go into the meeting with a big argument to counter
their claim of an homogenous Oracle-only environment.

Dim oServers As SQLDMO.NameList
Dim oServer As Variant
Dim sServerNames() As String
Dim iCtr As Integer

iCtr = 0

Set oServers = SQLDMO.Application.ListAvailableSQLServers

'Iterate through the server names, and add them to the return string
For Each oServer In oServers
If Not IsNull(oServer) Then
iCtr = iCtr + 1
ReDim Preserve sServerNames(iCtr)
sServerNames(iCtr) = oServer
End If
Next oServer

- Graham

Graham R Seach


Thanks. The documentation I referred to was from Books Online. The
ListAvailableSQLServers method name is pretty clear, but I just want to make
absolutely sure, 'cause if I go into the meeting without having the facts
100% correct, I'm going to get shot down. These Oracle types...well, you
know what I'm up against!

- Graham

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