SQL? Index? Excel?



Haven't done programming for a while-rusty now. Need help from any of you:
1) Trying to retrive data from SQL server to Excel by VBA. The SQL database
is huge, which has over 50,000 data in it. But only 2 columns have index. For
example, I want to output all the employee's name whose salary is below
10,000, and the group between 10,000 and 20,000, while the salary does not
have index, but employee's name has index. As the database is huge, it takes
forever to get the data. Anyone has idea to improve the speed? Or any

2) trying to run the macro and retrive some data into Excel sheet for
selection. For example, I have 1000 employee use the bank HSBC, and another
2000 people use Whacovia. How can I get only one HSBC and one Whavocia into
Excel cell for a selection?

Thank you very much and appreciate your ideas.

Bob Phillips

1) Show us the SQL statement.

2) Use Data Validation. Data>Validation, select Allow of List, and type HSBC
and Whavocia in the edit box.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Robin Hammond


In SQL terms, 50,000 records is tiny, so this should be quick.

I want to output all the employee's name whose salary is below

SELECT EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Salary <=10,000

the group between 10,000 and 20,000

SELECT EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Salary > 10,000 AND Salary <=20,000

How can I get only one HSBC and one Whavocia into
Excel cell for a selection?

SELECT Top 1 EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Bank = 'Wachovia'
SELECT Top 1 EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Bank = 'HSBC'

Robin Hammond


Robin Hammond said:
SELECT EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Salary <=10,000 AND Salary <= 20,000;

Given that SQL is a description of the results sought, this is more
descriptive and quite likely faster:

SELECT EmployeeName FROM my_Table WHERE SALARY BETWEEN 10000 and 20000
SELECT Top 1 EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Bank = 'Wachovia'
SELECT Top 1 EmployeeName FROM my_table WHERE Bank = 'HSBC'

This gives two recordset objects; if the intention is to pick the distinct
'Bank' (there are two, Wachovia and HSBC), this will return the result is a
single recordset & will cope with other distinct Bank names:

SELECT Distinct(EmployeeName) FROM my_table GROUP BY Bank;

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