SQL Express User/ Role database to SQL Server


Stevie G

I've created a small web application that uses the new C# Login
controls and internet user management. The application works fine on
my development PC with all the user management taken care of in the
ASPNETDB.mdb. I've used the nice 'administer website' utility and all
my users, roles etc are all happily working.

I now try to publish this project to one of our office servers running
IIS. All seems well and the mdb file is copied with the publish. Now
from what I can tell here this is never going to work because I have
no SQL * on the target PC?

Ideally what I'd like here is to create the same database on another
PC that runs SQL server. I've actually got this working with the main
application function quite happily. I've even used the aspnet_regsql
tool and created a new User / application / roles database on the
target SQL server.

I think all I'm having trouble with is the connection string in the
web config file to change my deployed web application from the local
ASPNETDB.mdb to the server? Can anyone help?

This is the Connection string for the application DB:
"Data Source=TAP;Initial Catalog=AspireLicensing;Integrated

This is what VS says is the connection string for the aspnet_regsql
created DB:
Data Source=TAP;Initial Catalog=AspireLicensingUserDB;Integrated

Machine.config has:

<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=.
\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|
aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /</connectionStrings>

My web.config has the following:
<add name="AspireLicensingConnectionString" connectionString="Data
Source=TAP;Initial Catalog=AspireLicensing;Integrated
Security=True;Pooling=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

I really have tried a few posts that recommend changes to the
webconfig but can't crack it. Any help would be very much appreciated.


Stevie G

Ok, long questions aren't easy to answer. Let me try a different

When I select 'Administer Website' within VS 2005 and the Web site
administration tool pops up....
In the Provider tab I only get the one provider option. Does anyone
know how to add my new provider - preferably the one I created on the
SQL server 'tap'?

(Has my concept of all this SQL Express gone FUBAR. It's just to get
the development up and running not for implementation surely.)

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