SQL Connection failing on single NT machine



I have installed an application out to about 15 machines. Some NT (service
pack 6) and some Windows XP. They all work......except for one machine. It
is an NT machine. I cant work out why it wont work on this machine. The
error occurs when logging in. It complains that ExecuteReader is failing as
the Connection is closed. My connection string looks something like this:

workstation id=WSQL01;packet size=4096;data source=WSQL01;persist security
info=False;initial catalog=wmApp

I have tried replacing the machine name of the server (WSQL01) with the IP
address but this makes no diff. I have tried pointing to diff servers (i.e
my dev box etc) but no joy. The machines are all on the same network.

Any ideas?? I have logged on to the machine and setup an ODBC connection to
the server and the DB, and used EXCEL to run a query against it and that
worked fine too. I really am baffled.

Should I somehow have to specify TCP\IP in the connection string? Is this
even possible?



Greg Burns

I'm no expert, but Windows 2000 and above comes with MDAC (Microsoft Data
Access Components?) presinstalled. I doubt if NT 4 does. Most .NET app
database stuff requires some version (2.6?) to be installed on the clients.
I really don't know if this stuff is compatible with NT or not.

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