SQL - Auto Refresh Upon Cell Value Change


Elliot J

Hi Readers,

Could anyone please help with an annoying obstacle I have enountered?

I am using the 'Refresh automatically when cell value changes' option
for MS-Query criteria.

My criteria cell is a date, in the format: 2005-05-31.

I have sussed all the formatting issues, but my problem is this: My
criteria cell is actually the result of a formula used to calculate the
end of the month, from another cell containing the month I'm looking

The criteria cell formula is as follows:


The problem is, that when the month cell is updated, my criteria cell
formula then recalculates my new 'end month date' but my SQL report (on
another worksheet) doesn't refresh.

I have found that directly typing in my new 'end month date' forces the
refresh, so I believe the problem is as follows:

The 'auto refresh' function only 'watches' the formula, which of course
remains static, and not the 'value' of the cell which IS changing.

Does anyone know a way around this at all?

I know this could be done using VBA, but I'd much prefer not to employ
its use, if possible, for reasons not worth boring you all with :blush:)

I am sincerely grateful for any comments or suggestions anyone may



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