Spontaneous & random color change



The font color of some (but not all) filenames diplayed
in explorer has suddenly changed to blue. This has only
affected about half of the files - the rest remain black.
There is no evident pattern to which ones now appear blue
and which black.

Tim Slattery

Juli said:
The font color of some (but not all) filenames diplayed
in explorer has suddenly changed to blue. This has only
affected about half of the files - the rest remain black.
There is no evident pattern to which ones now appear blue
and which black.

Files shown in blue are compressed.


If you look at the advanced properties of those files that the color is
blue, you will find that they are marked to be compressed in order to save
disk space. You can undo this for each file or the entire drive.


No, they didn't suddenly change to blue.......this is the way compressed
files are shown.

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