Splitting Excel Files



Could anyone help with a utility or method for automatically splitting an
Excel file into multiple files on each change in a subtotal value? And later
for reassembling the files into one?

I'd very much appreciate help with this, as splitting a master file into 75
individual teacher files has gotten tedious...



What you ask for is not a normal Excel thing, and maybe not even a very
practical thing considering the amount of VBA code it would probably
take......maybe if you explained a little more about what you have and what
you really want to end up with maybe some other feature like the Autofilter
might just do what you need.........I use it regularly to filter out a
massive database into smaller reports I wish to distribute.......perhaps it
would work for you..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


I'm not sure how autofilter would help me--could you explain, please?

I'm starting with a list of about 1200 students, with a record for each
combination of student and class/teacher. It's used by teachers to enter
grades and comments. The list is supplied initially by our city-wide program

It is essentially a compilation of all the class rosters in the school.

Once sorted by teacher/course/section, I need to give each teacher his or
her own file, containing only that teacher's records. After the teachers have
made their entries, I need to recombine the files. The combined file then is
imported to Access, where it becomes the basis of a report that gives each
student a Progress Report.



Good answers Ron..........I'll have to spend more time reading your page,
lotsa good stuff there....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Ron (and CLR)...I thank you very much for the help...

Now I need a bit more. I used the code from your page, for creating new
sheet for all unique values. However, when I try to run it, I get a "Compile
error: invalid outside procedure" message at the line for Set WS1. What is
likely to have caused that?


Ron de Bruin

Change the sheet name to your sheet name Paul

Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet1") '<<< Change

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