Split Database Problems



Somebody help! Here is my problem: I work in a small company. We have an
office in Indiana that is on a network with 3 computers. We also have an
office in California that is using a VPN to access files in Indiana. I have
split our Access database so that we can have multiple users. I originally
did it from California through the VPN (the original file is on a computer in
Indiana) and the other computers in Indian could not open the Front End
because it could not locate the path to the back end (the path I used through
the VPN), so I had them re-direct through the linked table manaager to point
to the shared folder on the computer the file is in. Now the other computers
in their network are still having the same problem, but the path has changed.
I can't get into it either. What am I doing wrong? What can I do to fix
this so that everybody can access the database??


No, I didn't realize I needed to do that. Can't I just have the front end in
a shared folder that everybody can access?

Lynn Trapp



Thank you for your help. I am having another problem now. I am trying to
put a copy of the front end on the other users computers, but it is still
looking for the back end in the wrong location and won't open. How to I
point it to the right location?


Thanks, my problem was actually opening the database to use the Linked table
manager, but I found the answer in another thread (holding down the shift
button). I've got everything set up now. Thanks for your help.

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