Spin Control


John C

I have placed a spin button on a chart. I am unable to
capture/define what I want the spin control to perform for
up/down. I can only assign a macro to the control. It's
acting like a button and not a spin control.

How do I capture whether the control was pressed up or

Jean-Paul Viel


If you make your spin control with the control toolbox, you then have, in
the module of that sheet, the possibility to add code for this control, like

Private Sub SpinButton1_Change()

Range("a1").Value = SpinButton1.Value

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

look at the value of the control in your code and see if it has increased or
decreased. You may need to use a static variable to store the value each
time as you exit the sub, then when the sub starts again, compare the value
of the control to the static variable to see if it has increased or

John C.

I am not able to use the Control Toolbox to create the
spin control, only the Forms Toolbar allows the spin
control to be formed.

I understand what you refer to for the module sheet should
show the control and associated properties, but creating
it from the Forms Toolbar does not present this

Any other ideas?

Jean-Paul Viel


Then, one possibility could be, you right click your spin control, when
selected, and with the "Format Control" link it to a cell on another sheet.
With the macro assign to the spin control read the value of that cell do
what you like according to the value.

Hope it's help.

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