spelling suggestions



In word, some suggestions popup when you start typing.
such as months and days of the week.
how can you set word to popup everything in the dictonary, as you start


Jay Freedman

You can't. Word doesn't do predictive typing like your cell phone.
Months and days are a special case of AutoText's AutoComplete feature.

You could, I suppose, start entering tons of words as AutoText
entries. Those that are unique at some point after the third letter
will show autocomplete tooltips. But I suspect that having thousands
of AutoText entries would make your template huge, and Word would slow
to a crawl as it tried to search every entry while you type.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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That is a bummer.
hopfully in thenext verson of office thiswill be done.
it know the spelling as it goes along.
so why not this?

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