Spell check on the fly?


Frank Dreyfus

My Outlook always checks spelling on the fly. I do NOT use Word to compose

When I tried to set up a freind's system to work like mine, I couldn't find
the setting!? His OL checks spelling only when he hits Send.

We are both using OL 2003 and Word 2003.

How do you enable on the fly checking?




Look in Tools > Options, Spelling tab. You can use AutoCorrect if Word is
not the email editor.

Frank Dreyfus

Look in Tools > Options, Spelling tab. You can use AutoCorrect if
Word is not the email editor.


That isn't it.

I'm not asking about auto-correct; I'm asking about on the fly checking
(the feature that underlines mis-spelled words but doesn't change them

If I disable that option I still get otf checking but my friend doesn't
even with that option checked.

Thanks for the help,



As office 2003 shares some of its settings to get outlook 2003 to do "fly
checking" you need to do the following.
1. Open word
2. Tools - options
3. Spelling & Grammer
4. Tick the box saying "Check Spelling as you type"

This will resolve the issue as I just tested it.

Frank Dreyfus

As office 2003 shares some of its settings to get outlook 2003 to do
"fly checking" you need to do the following.
1. Open word
2. Tools - options
3. Spelling & Grammer
4. Tick the box saying "Check Spelling as you type"

That was it!

Many thanks,


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