spell check in protected sections



Does anyone know if it's possible to set up Word so that it will spell check
in protected areas of forms?


If Word 2007's "protection feature" disables such a large number of important
functions including formatting and spellchecker, does Microsoft intend to
correct this in the future? This huge inconvenience is making Forms in Word
undesirable, frustrating, and unuseable.

Jay Freedman

There's no sign that Microsoft intends anything of the sort. Rather, I
expect that in the next few versions the Content Control feature will be
fleshed out to become the all-purpose form-creation mechanism for Word, and
that what they're already calling "Legacy Controls" will be reduced to a
strictly backward-compatibility feature. Don't expect to see _any_ new
behavior of the Forms objects.


** This is for Word 2007**

I was trying to figure out if you can still somehow create a macro that will
unprotect a fill-in document do a spell check and I found a solution. Make
sure you are saving this as a Word Document Macro-Enabled (.docm)

Create a new keyboard macro be sure you select you want to save in this the
active document you are working on NOT NORMAL TEMPLATE. Personally since more
than one person will be using my form and most Word users know the shortcut
to spell check I used the MS shortcut key F7 as my shortcut key. You can
selected your desired shortcut key. ** Be sure to select the drop down to
save this shortcut key in the current document. **AGAIN YOU SHOULD NOT SAVE
ANYTHING TO THE NORMAL TEMPLATE!! If you do just copy then delete the macro
completely from your Normal.dotm and recreate the macro in your active

Hit Record Macro (Developer Tab) and as so as you hit record you can hit
stop recording. (this is just so that you can apply the shortcut to the Macro)
Go into the VBA application (from your developer tab) and paste the
following code under your macro name. **DO NOT DELETE YOUR MACRO NAME**

' Spelling Macro
' Run Spell check on a Protected Fill in Document with a Password
ActiveDocument.Unprotect "Password"
Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True,
End Sub

You would then insert your password where I have "Password" - DO NOT DELETE
THE ""

To ensure that a user can not view your password you can protect your VBA
coding in the Tools, Project Properties section of VBA.

** If this document is protected but does not have a password just delete
"Password" from the first line and delete the last line before End Sub.

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