Spell check in Forms


Mrs Pink


I have used the code at
to enable the spell check in my word forms.

Although it will work fine when I, the creater of the forms, run the
it will not work when any other users try it.

It comes up with a "compile error - cannot find project or library" and

highlights the code at:

'The following subroutine won't be called if Word 97 is in
If Not Left$(Application.Version, 1) = "8"

specifically, the "Left$" part.

I am not a programmer, but I am desperate to solve this - I have 2 days
sort it or my forms and several months work will be down the pan!!!
Please, can anyone help?

Jay Freedman

Hi Mrs Pink,

See http://word.mvps.org/faqs/apperrors/MidNotWorking.htm. When the article
talks about "references" it means that in the VBA editor you should look at
the Tools > References dialog. This is a list of the external files (DLLs,
OCXs, libraries, etc.) that can be used by VBA, and the ones that have check
marks may actually be in use. The problem you're seeing means that there's
some file in use on your development machine that isn't available on the
other users' machines.

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