Spell check - Access vs Word



Does the spell check in Access 2003 use the same spell checker as Word? I
have a memo field that users can right mouse spell check but they say that
Word provides a better spell check.



Brendan Reynolds

The dictionary is common to Access, Word, and other Office applications.
There are differences in how the different applications use the dictionary,
however. For example, Access doesn't underline unrecognised words as you
type, the way Word does. Perhaps that's the kind of thing your users are
talking about?


Thanks for the response, I think the users are wanting to have the ability to
check all the memo fields in the database (kinda like checking a full Word
document). Not sure if this is possible without writing code to do the
checking? How do I bring up the memo field from a specific record that has
spelling errors, on top of that I have multiple memo fields that would need



Would it be easier to check the field as soon as it is entered? If you put
the spell check code (DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling) in the AfterUpdate
event of the field? That way typos are never even stored, and they don't have
to be looked for.

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