Speedy code required



My code is given below
It runs a simulation of a situation similar to a raffle draw
Each player is allocated "tickets" - ticket holdings are stored in Trng (n x
Once a player "wins a prize" his remaining tickets are removed from the draw
Draw outcome is determined by comparing Rnd with remaining tickets
For each "Do" loop ranks 1 to n is allocated and stored in an n x n range
In this way the probabilities of outcomes for each player is arrived at
The problem is that the code is too slow for a large number of players
For example 6 hours for 100 players X 100K loops on my pc
Any ideas for speeding it up would be appreciated

Dim Trng As Range, profiles As Range
Dim r As Integer, n As Integer, place As Integer
Dim Tvals(), x As Double
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Trng = Range("Trng")
n = Trng.Cells.Count
Set profiles = Trng.Offset(, 3).Resize(n, n)

ReDim Tvals(1 To n)
'\\ Save Trng values in array
For r = 1 To n
Tvals(r) = Trng.Cells(r)
Next r

For place = 1 To n
'\\ determine Place(i)
x = Rnd * WorksheetFunction.Sum(Trng)
For Each cl In Trng
If cl <> "" Then
tSum = Application.Sum(Range(Trng.Cells(1), cl))
If x < tSum Then
With Intersect(cl.EntireRow, profiles.Columns(place))
.Value = .Value + 1
End With
Exit For
End If
End If
Next cl
Next place
'\\ re-populate Trng with original values
For r = 1 To n
Trng.Cells(r) = Tvals(r)
Next r
'\\ 100 loops for example
Loop Until Application.Sum(profiles.Columns(1)) > 100


One improvement would be to put the oringal TRNG values in a SAVED area in
the worksheet. Then to copy these values from SAVED area on the worksheet to
to the TRNG Range. This would be faster than to copy the Tvals() array back
into the worksheet. When repeating code over so many times any little
improvement will help.


A lot of VBA code in Excel can be sped up tremendously if you don't
continuously use references to worksheets, cells, ranges, etc as you go.
Instead, pull all of your initial simulation data into memory and run your
simulations there using arrays to store results. When you're simulation is
completely done, blast your data back onto your worksheet in one big chunk.

Memory is cheap and plentiful these days, so use as much as you want!

Also, using Application.ScreenUpdating = False will eliminate the overhead
of having the screen redraw every time something changes on the active sheet.


Jim Thomlinson

There are a few things that might help.
1. Change your integers to longs. Longs are actualy more efficient than
integers. Since Ints are 16bit but your system is 32 bit there is extra
overhead to using integers. Not much but a bit... The only time you want to
use an iteger is if you have an API or such requiring an integer...

2. Disable calculation. Each time you write data back to the sheet you might
be requiring the sheet to be recalculate.
Application.Calculation = xlcalculationmanual
'your code
Application.Calculation = xlcalculationautomatic

3. There are more elegant ways to deal with the arrays. Take a look at this
code to see how to get ranges into arrays and then back out to the sheet...

Sub test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim ary As Variant
Dim lng As Long

Set rng = Range("A1:A10")
ary = rng.Value

For lng = 1 To 10
'MsgBox ary(lng, 1)
Next lng

With Application
Range("B1:B10").Value = ary
End With
End Sub

Note that if you had a single dimension array you could still coerce it to 2
dimensions using application.Transpose(ary) at which point you can write it
to a range...


Thanks egun,
Application.ScreenUpdating = False - was included
I wondered about taking everything 'off sheet' with arrays ...
Has anyone out there experienced significant advantage with their code by
doing this? Please let me know


Thanks Jim,
Can't wait to try your suggestions - just the sort of thing I was hoping for
I'll post back with results


xlcalculationmanual saves 10% to 15 % on run time, a significant gain.
No noticable improvement with the other suggestions
Do you think that taking everytning "off sheet" using arrays would be better?

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