specifying currency together with a number in a single field



I have a table with 7 different currencies. I need to have a number and the
corresponding currency in a single field. I know it is possible in Excel but
cannot find the right syntax. My table shows quantities multiplied by rates
using different currencies. Like 10 * 5 Euros = 50 Euros, 7 * 10 Renminbi =
70 Renminbi and so on.

The currency should not be in a different field but should actually define
the amount itself.

Bob Phillips

How would you know that a cell contains Euros and not Renmimbi?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Jon Quixley

R said:
I have a table with 7 different currencies. I need to have a number and
corresponding currency in a single field. I know it is possible in
Excel but
cannot find the right syntax. My table shows quantities multiplied by
using different currencies. Like 10 * 5 Euros = 50 Euros, 7 * 10
Renminbi =
70 Renminbi and so on.

The currency should not be in a different field but should actually
the amount itself.

Is what you're after to have the currency expressed in the cell with
the number such as $40 (or other currencies)
You need to format the cell using the Custom feature and define the
cell to accept a number and express it as a currency. The syntax is as

"$"###.## where the dollar sign can be substiuted with Yen or whatever,
and the hash signs are the number with(in this case) two decimal points.
The number you should see with the cell formatted like this would be
something like $396.26
Hope this helps

Damon Longworth

Try something similar to this custom number format:

#,##0 "Euros"

Damon Longworth

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